APSC Research Assistance under Finance General Studies and Elementary Knowledge of Computer Application (2023) Question Paper with Answers



Paper – II


Time Allowed: 2 Hours Full Marks: 100

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Suppose the following question is asked:

The capital of Bangladesh is

(A) Chennai
(B) London
(C) Dhaka
(D) Dhubri

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  1. Select the correct statement.

(A) Amul recently launched a campaign at the Times Square. in New York with the campaign title “Taste of India”.
(B) Amul recently launched a campaign at the Times Square in New York with the campaign. title “Be more milk”.
(C) Amul recently launched a campaign at the Times Square in New York with the campaign title “Thoroughly Amul, Utterly Butterly Delicious”.
(D) Amul recently launched a campaign at the Trafalgar Square in London with the campaign title “Tase of India”.

The correct answer is (C) Amul recently launched a campaign at the Times Square in New York with the campaign title 'Thoroughly Amul, Utterly Butterly Delicious' .
Explanation: Amul launched this campaign at Times Square, New York, featuring their iconic tagline.

  1. Consider the following statements:

(i) In the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, India’s position in the medal table was 48.
(ii) In the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, India won a total of 8 medals.
(iii) In the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Great Britain was stripped of the silver medal the country won in men’s 4×100 m Relay.
(iv) In the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Great Britain was stripped of the silver medal the country won in women 4×100 m Relay.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


(A) (i) only
(B) (ii) only
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (i) and (iv)

The correct answer is (C) (i) and (iii).
Explanation: India finished 48th in the medal tally at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and won 7 medals (not 8). Also, Great Britain was stripped of the silver medal in the men’s 4×100m relay due to doping violations.

  1. Consider the following statements:

(i) Japanese encephalitis is a mosquito-borne disease caused by Japanese encephalitis virus.
(ii) Japanese encephalitis is spread through the bites of infected Aedes species of mosquitos.
(iii) Japanese encephalitis is spread through the bites of infected Culex species of mosquitos.
(iv) A vaccine is available against Japanese encephalitis.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iv)
(D) (i), (iii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (D) (i), (iii) and (iv).
Explanation: Japanese encephalitis is caused by a virus, spread through infected Culex mosquitoes, and a vaccine is available.

  1. Consider the following statements:

(i) KIRTI initiative has been launched by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India.
(ii) The first phase of KIRTI was launched in Chandigarh in March, 2024.
(iii) The second phase of KIRTI was launched in New Delhi in July, 2024.
(iv) KIRTI initiative aims at streamlining the process of grassroot sports talent identi- fication on a single platform.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


(A) (i) only
(B) (i) and (ii) only
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(D) All of the above

The correct answer is (D) All of the above.
Explanation: The KIRTI initiative was launched by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports to streamline grassroots sports talent identification.

  1. Select the correct statement.

(A) Squalus hima is a recently. discovered species of deep- water dogfish shark.
(B) Squalus hima is a recently discovered species of snail.
(C) Squalus hima is a type of alluvial soil.
(D) Squalus hima is the name of a Hurricane.

The correct answer is (A) Squalus hima is a recently discovered species of deep-water dogfish shark.
Explanation: Squalus hima is a new species of dogfish shark discovered in the deep waters of the Indian Ocean.

  1. Consider the following statements:

(i) National Girl Child Day is observed on 24th January every year in India.
(ii) National Girl Child Day is observed on 24th March every year in India.
(iii) National Girl Child Day is observed to mark the anniversary of the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Scheme launched in 2015.
(iv) National Girl Child Day is observed to mark the birth anniversary of Sarojini Naidu.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


(A) (i) only
(B) (ii) only
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (ii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (C) (i) and (iii).
Explanation: National Girl Child Day is observed on 24th January and was started as part of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao initiative.

  1. Consider the following statements:

(i) In the year 1659, Chhatrapati Shivaji killed Bijapur Sultanate general with a tiger claw- shaped dagger known as the ‘Bagh Nakh’ (tiger claw).
(ii) The Bagh Nakh’ is currently on display at Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Museum at Satara.
(iii) The Government of Maharashtra has bought the ‘Bagh Nakh’ on a loan for three years from London’s Victoria and Albert Museum.
(iv) The Government of Maharashtra has bought the ‘Bagh Nakh’ on a loan for three years from London’s British Museum.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


(A) (i) only
(B) (i) and (ii)
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(D) (i), (ii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (C) (i), (ii) and (iii).
Explanation: Shivaji killed Afzal Khan with a Bagh Nakh, and Maharashtra has brought it on a 3-year loan from Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

  1. Consider the following statements:

(i) International Solar Alliance (ISA) was conceived as a joint effort by India and France to mobilize efforts against climate change through deployment of solar energy solutions.
(ii) International Solar Alliance (ISA) was conceived as a joint effort by India and Germany to mobilize efforts against climate change through deployment of solar energy solutions.
(iii) International Solar Alliance (ISA) was conceptualized in Berlin in 2020 during the COP21 to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
(iv) All member States of the United Nations are eligible to join the ISA.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


(A) (i) and (iv)
(B) (ii) and (iv)
(C) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(D) (i), (iii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (A) (i) and (iv).
Explanation: The International Solar Alliance (ISA) was conceived by India and France and is open to all UN member states.

  1. Select the correct statement.

(A) Operation Nanhe Farishte’ is a project of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force.
(B) The Operation Nanhe Farishte’ is a project of Railway Protection Force.
(C) The Operation Nanhe Farishte’ is a project of Central Reserve Police Force.
(D) The Operation Nanhe Farishte’ is a project of Border Security Force.

The correct answer is (B) The Operation Nanhe Farishte is a project of Railway Protection Force.
Explanation: This initiative of the Railway Protection Force (RPF) helps rescue missing and trafficked children at railway stations.

  1. Select the correct statement.

(A) The Houthi Movement is named after the Houthi tribe that lives in Northern Kuwait.
(B) The Houthi Movement is named after the Houthi tribe that lives. in Northern Saudi Arabia.
(C) The Houthi Movement is named after the Houthi tribe that lives in Northern Yemen.
(D) The Houthi Movement is named. after the Houthi tribe that lives in Northern Iraq.

The correct answer is (C) The Houthi Movement is named after the Houthi tribe that lives in Northern Yemen.
Explanation: The Houthi movement is a Shia rebel group in Northern Yemen, named after the Houthi tribe.

  1. Recently, the Government of Assam has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ITE Education Services of a foreign country for the purpose of establishing a North-East Skill Centre (NESC) in Guwahati. The foreign country mentioned above is

(A) Singapore
(B) Thailand
(C) United Kingdom
(D) Indonesia

The correct answer is (A) Singapore.
Explanation: The Assam government signed an MoU with ITE Education Services, Singapore to set up the North-East Skill Centre (NESC) in Guwahati.

  1. As per the 2011 Census, the population density of Assam is

(A) 398 per square km
(B) 389 per square km
(C) 469 per square km
(D) 498 per square km

The correct answer is (A) 398 per square km.
Explanation: According to the 2011 Census, Assam’s population density is 398 per square km.

  1. Developing Countries Trading Scheme. (DCTS), recently seen in news is associated with which country?

(A) The United States of America
(B) United Kingdom
(C) India
(D) Malaysia

The correct answer is (B) United Kingdom.
Explanation: The Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS) was launched by the United Kingdom to facilitate trade with developing nations.

  1. The Scheme Mukhya Mantri Nijut Moina’, which was launched by the Government of Assam in 2024 aims to empower the

(A) transgender community in Assam
(B) destitute children of Assam
(C) girls of Assam
(D) expecting mothers of Assam

The correct answer is (C) Girls of Assam.
Explanation: The Mukhya Mantri Nijut Moina Scheme was launched by the Assam government in 2024 to empower girls.

  1. Identify the climatic phenomenon responsible for the dry con the Atacama Desert from options. 5/24

(A) Rain shadow effect
(B) El Niño
(C) Monsoon winds
(D) Cold ocean currents

The correct answer is (A) Rain shadow effect.
Explanation: The Atacama Desert remains dry because of the rain shadow effect caused by the Andes Mountains.

  1. Consider the following statements about South East Asia:

(I) Most of the population is concentrated in river valleys and coastal plains.
(ii) Only four types of soils are found alluvial, laterite, podzol and volcanic,
(iii) The north-south aligned mountain ranges are actually elevation spars Himalayas. of the
(iv) The land area of the Philippines is greater than that of Vietnam.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


(A) (i) only
(B) (ii) and (iv)
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(D) (iii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (C) (i), (ii) and (iii).
Explanation: Most of Southeast Asia’s population lives in river valleys and coastal plains, and the north-south mountain ranges are extensions of the Himalayas.

  1. A dull white to light grey-white mineral used in oil industries and in removing stains, fats and grease is found in the northern part of Baksa district of Assam. The mineral is

(A) fire clay
(B) kaolin
(C) galena
(D) Fuller’s earth.

The correct answer is (B) Kaolin.
Explanation: Kaolin, a white mineral used in oil industries and for removing stains, is found in Baksa district, Assam.

  1. Arrange the following districts of Assam in ascending order of population as per 2011 Census from. the codes given below:

(i) Majuli
(ii) South Salmara
(iii) Biswanath
(iv) Charaideo


(A) (i)-(iv)-(ii)-(iii)
(B) (ii)-(i)-(iii)-(iv)
(C) (iv)-(ii)-(iii)-(i)
(D) (ii)-(iv)-(i)-(iii)

The correct answer is (A) (i)-(iv)-(ii)-(iii).
Explanation: As per the 2011 Census, the correct ascending order of population in Assam districts is Majuli → Charaideo → South Salmara → Biswanath.

  1. Fill in the blank with the correct word from the options given below:

According to Griffith Taylor, race’s main physical traits are mesocephalic, curly-wavy blond hair, blue eyes and long stature.

(A) Australoid
(B) Mediterranean.
(C) Nordic
(D) Alpine

The correct answer is (C) Nordic.
Explanation: The Nordic race is characterized by mesocephalic skulls, blond hair, blue eyes, and tall stature.

  1. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The Sahara of Northern Africa, for example, is mainly a product of high atmospheric pressure.

Reason (R): The rain shadow effect of the Atlas Mountains and the presence of cold Atlantic Ocean waters along its Western Coast also contribute to the Sahara’s dryness.

Choose the correct option.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is explanation of (A). the correct
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(D) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.

The correct answer is (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Explanation: The Sahara Desert is formed due to high atmospheric pressure, and the rain shadow effect of the Atlas Mountains further contributes to its dryness.

  1. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Tropical dry deciduous forest is characterized by rainfall less than 75 cm, temperature between 25 °C-30 °C and humidity less. than 25%.
Reason (R): Deciduous forests shed their leaves annually.

Choose the correct option.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is explanation of (A) the correct.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(D) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.

The correct answer is (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Explanation: Tropical dry deciduous forests occur in areas with less than 75 cm rainfall, and they shed leaves annually to conserve water.

  1. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Hojai, Lanka, Lumding are rain shadow areas.

Reason (R): Monsoon winds from the Bay of Bengal obstructed Meghalaya Plateau.

Choose the correct option.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(D) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.

The correct answer is (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Explanation: Hojai, Lanka, and Lumding are in rain shadow areas due to the Meghalaya Plateau blocking the monsoon winds.

  1. The proper sequence of rivers Narmada, Gomati, Penna, Godavari and Krishna from south to north in India is

(A) Penna, Krishna, Godavari, Narmada and Gomati
(B) Krishna, Gomati, Narmada, Godavari and Penna
(C) Narmada, Godavari, Gomati, Penna and Krishna
(D) Godavari, Penna, Krishna, Gomati and Narmada

The correct answer is (A) Penna, Krishna, Godavari, Narmada, and Gomati.
Explanation: Arranged from south to north, the correct sequence is Penna → Krishna → Godavari → Narmada → Gomati.

  1. Identify the correct statement(s) regarding the physiography of Assam using the codes given below:

(i) Chenghehishon peak is located in the Western lob of Karbi Plateau.
(ii) Barail range topographically bridge Archean Meghalaya Plateau with Precambrian Mizo Hills.
(iii) Ranganadi and Nanoi are the North bank tributaries of the Brahmaputra.
(iv) Western side of the Cachar Plain is open to the Kushiyara- Surma Plain of the Sylhet district of Bangladesh.


(A) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (iii) and (iv)
(D) (iv) only

The correct answer is (C) (iii) and (iv).
Explanation: Ranganadi and Nanoi are north bank tributaries of Brahmaputra, and Cachar Plain is connected to Sylhet Plain in Bangladesh.

  1. Fill in the blank with the correct word from the options given below:

soils are dark and finely textured with heavy loams and deficient in nitrogen, potash, phosphoric acid and lime found in southern border of Golaghat district of Assam.

(A) Piedmont
(B) Lateritic
(C) Hill
(D) Alluvial

The correct answer is (B) Lateritic.
Explanation: Lateritic soils, found in Golaghat, Assam, are dark, finely textured, and deficient in nitrogen, potash, and phosphoric acid.

  1. Identify the perfect match from the given list using the codes given below.

(i) Khmer
(ii) Tonle Sap Lake
(iii) Khorat Plateau
(iv) Johor lowland


(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (ii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (B) (ii) and (iii).
Explanation: The correct pairings include Tonle Sap Lake (Cambodia) and Khorat Plateau (Thailand).

  1. As per the Census of India, 2011, which of the following statements. is/are correct about Indian languages?

(i) Indian language comprises 22 scheduled languages and 97 non-scheduled languages.
(ii) A total of 122 Indian languages. are included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.
(iii) 100 non-scheduled Indian languages are not included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.
(iv) There are 121 Indian languages which include 99 non-scheduled. languages.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.


(A) (i) and (i)
(B) (ii) only
(C) (iii) and (iv)
(D) (iv) only

The correct answer is (D) (iv) only.
Explanation: India has 121 languages, including 99 non-scheduled languages.

  1. Identify the correct statement(s) regarding the Command Area Development (CAD) Programme using the codes given below:

(i) The Command Area Development Programme was launched in 1974-1975.
(ii) The Command Area Development Programme was a centrally sponsored scheme.
(iii) The main objective of the Command Area Development Programme was to bridge the gap between irrigation potential. created and utilized.
(iv) The programme was restructured and renamed as Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM) Programme from 1st April, 2004.


(A) (i) only
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (iii) and (iv)
(D) All of the above

The correct answer is (D) All of the above.
Explanation: The Command Area Development Programme was launched in 1974-75 and renamed as CADWM in 2004.

  1. Who among the following is not in the list of legendary Kings of Kamarupa?

(A) Mahiranga Danava
(B) Hemu Danava
(C) Shambarasura
(D) Hatakasur

The correct answer is (B) Hemu Danava.
Explanation: The legendary kings of Kamarupa include Mahiranga Danava, Shambarasura, and Hatakasur.

  1. Consider the following pairs:

(i) Si-yu-ki: Banabhatta
(ii) Harshacharita Hiuen Tsang
(iii) Tarikh Al Hind: Al-Biruni
(iv) Rajatarangini: Kalhana

Which of the above pairs is/are correctly matched?

(A) (i) only
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (iii) and (iv)
(D) (i) and (iv)

The correct answer is (C) (iii) and (iv).
Explanation: Correct matches: Tarikh Al Hind – Al-Biruni and Rajatarangini – Kalhana.

  1. Treaty of Yandabo was signed on

(A) 24th February, 1826
(B) 14th February, 1826
(C) 24th March, 1826
(D) 14th March, 1826

The correct answer is (A) 24th February, 1826.
Explanation: The Treaty of Yandabo (1826) ended the First Anglo-Burmese War.

  1. Who among the following British Officers was presented a gold medal by the Agricultural Society of Calcutta in connection with the discovery of tea in Assam?

(A) Lieutenant Charlton
(B) C. A. Bruce
(C) Captain Jenkins
(D) Robert Gordon

The correct answer is (B) C. A. Bruce.
Explanation: C. A. Bruce received a gold medal from the Agricultural Society of Calcutta for the discovery of tea in Assam.

  1. City life began in Mesopotamia. The land lies between two rivers. The rivers are

(A) Euphrates and Tigris
(B) Tigris and Barrage de Samarra
(C) Barrage de Samarra and Barrage de Kut
(D) Euphrates and Barrage de Kut

The correct answer is (A) Euphrates and Tigris.
Explanation: Mesopotamia lies between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.

  1. Who among the following Gupta rulers adopted the title, Vikramaditya?

(A) Chandragupta 1 (319-335)
(B) Samudragupta (335-380)
(C) Chandragupta II (380-412)
(D) Kumaragupta (415-455)

The correct answer is (C) Chandragupta II (380-412).
Explanation: Chandragupta II adopted the title Vikramaditya.

  1. The Indus Valley people worshiped trees. One of the Harappan seals shows a deity standing between the branches of a tree and the deity was being worshipped by a devotee on his knees. The tree was

(A) Banyan
(B) Ficus
(C) Peepal
(D) Tulsi

The correct answer is (C) Peepal.
Explanation: Harappan people worshiped a deity under a Peepal tree.

  1. Akbar succeeded his father Humayun at the age of thirteen years and four months. The military commander Bairam Khan was guardian, chief mentor and advisor of Akbar. Subsequently, Bairam Khan was dismissed from his office. by

(A) Akbar
(B) Abdur Rahim Khan
(C) Adil Shah
(D) Hemu

The correct answer is (A) Akbar
Explanation: Akbar dismissed Bairam Khan in 1560 and took full control of the Mughal Empire.

  1. Chhatrapati Shivaji killed an adversary with a ‘Bagh Nakh’ at the foot of the Pratapgarh Fort in the present-day Satara district of Maharashtra. The adversary killed was

(A) Mir Jumla II
(B) Mir Khalifa
(C) Sayed Hakim
(D) Afzal Khan

The correct answer is (D) Afzal Khan
Explanation: Chhatrapati Shivaji killed Afzal Khan with a ‘Bagh Nakh’ during a meeting at Pratapgarh Fort.

  1. The Premier said, “The Dafla miscreants can be captured only if an elephant can enter into a rat hole”. This statement is attributed to

(A) Atan Burhagohain
(B) Purnananda Burhagohain
(C) Ruchinath Burhagohain.
(D) King Lun Burhagohain

The correct answer is (B) Purnananda Burhagohain
Explanation: Purnananda Burhagohain made this statement about the difficult terrain of the Dafla region.

  1. Rikkhvan is a ceremony for seeking long life and was generally performed by the Ahoms at the installations of a new King or in time of danger or after victory. Which of the following is not part of this procedure?

(A) The King sat in full dress on a platform and the tribal priests. and astrologers poured holy water over his head.
(B) The water ran down his body through a hole in the platform onto the chief Bailong or astrologer.
(C) The King changed his clothes and all his ornaments.
(D) The wet clothes and the ornaments are immediately handed over to the queen.

The correct answer is (D) The wet clothes and the ornaments are immediately handed over to the queen.
Explanation: In the Rikkhvan ceremony, the wet clothes and ornaments were disposed of, not handed to the queen.

  1. One of the following historians argued that “history consisted of much more than just political history, International relations and lives of great people”. Who was the historian?

(A) Lucien Febvre (1878-1956)
(B) Marc Bloch (1886-1944)
(C) Jules Michelet (1798-1874)
(D) Ronald Gérard Barthes (1915- 1980)

The correct answer is (C) Jules Michelet (1798-1874)
Explanation: Michelet emphasized social, cultural, and economic history, not just political events.

  1. Hominids belong to a family known as Hominidae, which includes all forms of human beings. They are further subdivided into branches, known as genus of Australopithecus and Homo, each in turn includes several species. The main differences between Australopithecus and Homo relate to

(A) brain size and jaws only
(B) jaws and teeth only
(C) brain size and teeth only
(D) brain size, jaws and teeth

The correct answer is (D) brain size, jaws, and teeth
Explanation: The main differences between Australopithecus and Homo are brain size, jaw structure, and teeth.

  1. The League of the Three Emperors or Union of the Three Emperors (1873- 1887) was an alliance among the

(A) German, Russian and Austro- Hungarian Empires
(B) Prussian, British and Russian Empires
(C) German, Russian and French Empires
(D) British, French and Spanish Empires

The correct answer is (A) German, Russian, and Austro-Hungarian Empires
Explanation: The League of the Three Emperors was formed among these three empires in 1873.

  1. The prolonged military conflict between Iran and Iraq began on September 22, 1980. Identify the statement which is true with respect to the military alliance in the war.

(A) Iraq fought Iran with the help of USA only.
(B) Iran was supported by Syria alone.
(C) Iraq’s allies were Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, neighbouring Arab States, the USA and the Soviet Union.
(D) Iran’s major allies were Syria, Libya and Russia.

The correct answer is (C) Iraq’s allies were Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, neighboring Arab States, the USA, and the Soviet Union.
Explanation: Iraq received military and financial aid from these allies.

  1. Identify the pairs which is/are incorrectly matched using the codes given below.

(i) Habeas Corpus: To produce a detainee before a court
(ii) Certiorari Command performs a public duty to
(iii) Prohibition: To quash the order of a lower court by a higher court
(iv) Quo warranto: To inquire into the legality of a claim of a person to a public office


(A) (1) only
(B) (iii) only
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) (i) and (iv)

The correct answer is (C) (ii) and (iii)
Explanation: Certiorari is used to quash orders of a lower court, not to command a public duty.

  1. Consider the following statements:

(i) The Preamble to the Constitution is enforceable in a court of law.
(ii) The Preamble to the Constitution lays down the objectives which the Constitution seeks to achieve.
(iii) The Preamble to the Constitution helps in legal interpretation of the
(iv) The Preamble to the Constitution cannot be amended.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


(A) (i) and (iii)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iv)
(D) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (B) (ii) and (iii)
Explanation: The Preamble is not enforceable but helps in legal interpretation.

  1. Consider the following statements. regarding the NITI Aayog:

(i) NITI Aayog is a statutory body established in 2015 to replace the Planning Commission.
(ii) The Prime Minister is the Chief Executive Officer of NITI Aayog.
(iii) Its role is to serve as policy think tank of the Government of India.
(iv) It encourages cooperative federalism between the Centre and the States.

Identify the incorrect statements using the codes given below.


(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) (i) and (iv)

The correct answer is (A) (i) and (ii)
Explanation: NITI Aayog is not a statutory body, and the Prime Minister is its Chairperson, not CEO.

  1. Consider the following statements regarding the election of the Vice President of India:

(i) The Election Commission of India conducts the election for the Vice President of India.
(ii) It is an indirect election based on a proportional representative system.
(iii) The electoral college comprises both elected and nominated members of both Houses of the Parliament.
(iv) The electoral college includes elected members of the State Legislative Assemblies.

Identify the incorrect statement(s) using the codes given below.


(A) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(B) (iii) and (iv)
(C) (iii) only
(D) (iv) only

The correct answer is (D) (iv) only
Explanation: The electoral college does not include state legislative assembly members.

  1. Consider the following statements regarding the Ordinance making power of the President:

(i) The power to legislate by Ordinance is a parallel power of legislation.
(ii) It can be promulgated when both the Houses are not in Session.
(iii) It can be issued when one of the Houses is in Session.
(iv) The decision of the President to issue an Ordinance is immune from judicial review.

Identify the correct statements using the codes given below.


(A) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) All of the above

The correct answer is (B) (ii) and (iii)
Explanation: An ordinance cannot be issued when one house is in session.

  1. Consider the following pairs and identify the incorrectly matched pair(s) using the codes given below:

(i) Adjournment Period between the first meeting of the Parliament and its dissolution
(ii) Recess : Period between prorogation and reassembly in new session
(iii) Dissolution Need for fresh election to reconstitute the House of the People
(iv) Prorogation Termination of a session


(A) (i) only
(B) (i) and (iv)
(C) (iii) only
(D) (i) and (ii)

The correct answer is (A) (i) only
Explanation: Adjournment refers to a temporary suspension of a session, not the period between the first meeting and dissolution.

  1. Under which of the following circumstances, the Governor can reserve a State Bill for the consideration of the President?

(i) If it is opposed to the Directive Principles of the State Policy
(ii) If it endangers the position of the State High Court
(iii) If it is of grave national importance
(iv) If it is dealing with the compulsory acquisition of property under Article 31 A

Choose the correct answer using the codes given below.


(A) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(B) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(C) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) All of the above

The correct answer is (D) All of the above
Explanation: The Governor can reserve a bill for all the mentioned reasons.

  1. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): The device of Adjournment Motion is not used by the Rajya Sabha.

Reason (R): The Adjournment Motion does. not result in removing the Government from the office.

Choose the correct option.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.

The correct answer is (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
Explanation: The Adjournment Motion is not used in the Rajya Sabha, but its purpose is different.

  1. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): A Minister at the State level continues in office till he enjoys the confidence of the Chief Minister.
Reason (R): The Chief Minister can ask him to resign or advice the Governor to dismiss him in case of difference of opinion.

Choose the correct option.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.

The correct answer is (A) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Explanation: A minister stays in office as long as the Chief Minister has confidence in him.

  1. The President of India’s veto power is a combination of

(i) pocket veto
(ii) qualified veto
(iii) absolute veto
(iv) suspensive veto

Choose the correct answer using the codes given below.


(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (i), (iii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (D) (i), (iii), and (iv)
Explanation: The President of India has pocket, absolute, and suspensive veto powers.

  1. Which of the following pairs are incorrectly matched?

(i) Schedule VII of the Constitution of India: Languages recognized by the Constitution.
(ii) Schedule IX of the Constitution of India Allocation of powers and functions between the Union and State Legislature.
(iii) Schedule X of the Constitution of India: Provisions related to the disqualification of MPs and MLAs on grounds of defection.
(iv) Schedule XI of the Constitution of India: Powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats

Choose the correct answer using the codes given below.


(A) (ii) and (iii)
(B) (i) and (ii)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (iii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (B) (i) and (ii)
Explanation: Schedule VII relates to the division of powers, not languages.

  1. Consider the following statements regarding the joint sitting of the Houses of the Parliament:

(i) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha summons a joint sitting in case of a deadlock between the Houses of the Parliament.
(ii) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over a joint sitting of the Houses.
(iii) In the absence of the Speaker, the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha presides over the joint sitting.
(iv) In the absence of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over the joint sitting.

Identify the correct statements using the codes given below.


(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) (ii) and (iv)

The correct answer is (D) (ii) and (iv)
Explanation: The Speaker presides over joint sittings; the Rajya Sabha Chairman does not.

  1. Which of the following provisions of the Constitution of India was/were given immediate effect, ie., with effect from November 26, 1949?

(i) Citizenship
(ii) Emergency Provisions
(iii) Elections
(iv) Federal System

Identify the correct answer using the codes given below.


(A) (i) only
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iv)
(D) (i) and (iii)

The correct answer is (D) (i) and (iii)
Explanation: Citizenship and Elections provisions were effective from November 26, 1949.

  1. Consider the formation of the following States in India:

(i) Chhattisgarh
(ii) Manipur
(iii) Mizoram
(iv) Nagaland

Which one of the following codes is the correct chronological order of the formation of the above?

(A) (ii)-(iii)-(iv)-(i)
(B) (iii)-(ii)-(iv)-(i)
(C) (iv)-(ii)-(iii)-(i)
(D) (iv)-(iii)-(ii)-(i)

The correct answer is (C) (iv)-(ii)-(iii)-(i)
Explanation: Chronological order – Nagaland (1963), Manipur (1972), Mizoram (1987), Chhattisgarh (2000).

  1. Consider the following functionaries in the Indian order of precedence:

(i) The Vice-President
(ii) The former Presidents
(iii) The Governors of States within their respective States
(iv) The Chief Justice of India

Choose the correct order of precedence using the codes given. below.

(A) (i)-(ii)-(iii)-(iv)
(B) (i)-(iii)-(ii)-(iv)
(C) (ii)-(i)-(iv)-(iii)
(D) (ii)-(i)-(iii)-(iv)

The correct answer is (A) (i)-(ii)-(iii)-(iv)
Explanation: Vice President comes first, followed by former Presidents, then Governors, and finally the Chief Justice.

  1. Capitalism’ refers to

(A) the use of markets.
(B) the government ownership of capital goods
(C) the private ownership of capital goods
(D) the private ownership of houses and cars

The correct answer is (C) the private ownership of capital goods
Explanation: Capitalism is based on private ownership of production means.

  1. What type of economy can be termed as a laissez-faire economy?

(A) Mixed economy
(B) Socialist economy.
(C) Command economy
(D) Capitalist economy

The correct answer is (D) Capitalist economy
Explanation: A laissez-faire economy has minimal government intervention.

  1. The bowed shape of the production possibilities curve illustrates

(A) the law of increasing marginal cost
(B) that the production inefficient is
(C) that the production is unattainable
(D) that the demand is relatively inelastic

The correct answer is (A) the law of increasing marginal cost
Explanation: The bowed shape of the PPC shows increasing opportunity costs.

  1. The price elasticity of demand is the

(A) percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price
(B) percentage change in price divided by the percentage change in quantity demanded
(C) change in quantity demanded by the change in price
(D) percentage change in the quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in the quantity supplied

The correct answer is (A) percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price
Explanation: This is the formula for price elasticity of demand.

  1. What happens if the price floor is set higher than the equilibrium price?

(A) Scarcity
(B) Stability
(C) Surplus
(D) None of the above

The correct answer is (C) Surplus
Explanation: A price floor above equilibrium leads to excess supply.

  1. Owing to the Russia-Ukraine crisis, the world is experiencing rising crude prices on account of supply- side issues. Identify the most likely impact on the balance of payments situation of the Indian Economy from the following:

(A) Production of cars in India will rise
(B) Production and sale of bicycles in India will rise
(C) Inflow of US Dollars to India will rise
(D) Outflow of US Dollars from India will rise

The correct answer is (D) Outflow of US Dollars from India will rise
Explanation: Rising crude prices increase India’s import bill, leading to dollar outflows.

  1. What was one of the main targets of the First Five-Year Plan?

(A) Development of agriculture
(B) Development of textile industry
(C) Development of manufacturing industries
(D) Strengthening of the armed forces

The correct answer is (A) Development of agriculture
Explanation: The First Five-Year Plan focused on agricultural development.

  1. What is the FDI allowed in defense manufacturing in India through the automatic route?

(A) 100%
(B) 74%
(C) 51%
(D) 49%

The correct answer is (B) 74%
Explanation: India allows 74% FDI in defense manufacturing through the automatic route.

  1. Which of the following has the responsibility to issue a rupee coin?

(A) The Reserve Bank of India
(B) The Ministry of Finance, Government of India
(C) State Bank of India
(D) Central Coin Institute

The correct answer is (B) The Ministry of Finance, Government of India
Explanation: The Ministry of Finance issues rupee coins.

  1. The economic survey report is released by

(A) the Ministry of Finance, Government of India
(B) the Indian Statistical Institute
(C) the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India
(D) the Reserve Bank of India

The correct answer is (A) The Ministry of Finance, Government of India
Explanation: The Economic Survey is released by the Ministry of Finance.

  1. The per capita income of Assam at current prices for the FY 2022- 2023 has been estimated to be

(A) 98,504
(B) 1,18,504
(C) 1,68,504
(D) 1,98,504

The correct answer is (A) 98,504
Explanation: The estimated per capita income of Assam in 2022-23 was ₹98,504.

  1. The total number of oil refineries located in Assam is

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 7

The correct answer is (C) 4
Explanation: Assam has four oil refineries.

  1. An increase in money supply will cause interest rate to

(A) rise
(B) fall
(C) remain unchanged
(D) May rise or fall depending on the prevailing weather condition

The correct answer is (B) fall
Explanation: More money supply lowers interest rates.

  1. For a closed economy (with nо foreign trade), which one of the following is correct?

(D) GDP and GNP will have an unpredictable relationship

The correct answer is (A) GDP = GNP
Explanation: In a closed economy, GDP and GNP are equal as there is no foreign trade.

  1. Bit is

(A) a binary information term
(B) binary digit
(C) binary tree
(D) a bi-variate theory

The correct answer is (B) binary digit
Explanation: A bit represents a binary digit (0 or 1).

  1. What do you call the computers that are connected to the server?

(A) Client
(B) PC
(C) Laptop
(D) Workstation

The correct answer is (A) Client
Explanation: Devices connected to a server are called clients.

  1. The amount of time needed to send data from one computer to another in the network is known as

(A) bandwidth
(B) latency
(C) congestion
(D) timestamp

The correct answer is (B) latency
Explanation: Latency is the delay in data transmission.

  1. What is the mobile app which is supported by the Ministry of Electronics and IT under its Digital India Initiative?

(A) LinkedIn
(B) DigiLocker
(C) Instagram
(D) X (formerly Twitter)

The correct answer is (B) DigiLocker
Explanation: DigiLocker is a Digital India initiative for document storage.

  1. With regard to computer memory, which of the following statements. is/are true?

(i) Cache memory is a volatile memory.
(ii) Magnetic memory is a volatile memory.
(iii) Flash memory is a volatile memory.
(iv) RAM is a volatile memory.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below.


(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i) and (iv)
(C) (iii) and (iv)
(D) (iv) only

The correct answer is (D) (iv) only
Explanation: RAM is volatile memory.

  1. The unwanted bulk e-mails that come from strange sources are called

(A) spam
(B) trash
(C) junk
(D) virus

The correct answer is (A) spam
Explanation: Unwanted bulk emails are called spam.

  1. Consider the following statements and identify the incorrect statement(s) using the codes given below.

(i) It is a fast and convenient way to communicate with one another via the Internet.
(ii) When an e-mail is received, one can forward it to others without retyping it.
(iii) An e-mail cannot be sent to multiple recipients simulta- neously.
(iv) A file sent along with an e-mail message is called an attachment.


(A) (i) and (ii) only
(B) (ii) and (iv) only
(C) (iii) only
(D) (iv) only

The correct answer is (C) (iii) only
Explanation: Emails can be sent to multiple recipients simultaneously.

  1. Which of the following is a utility software?

(A) Antivirus
(B) Disk defragmenter
(C) Compression tool
(D) All of the above

The correct answer is (D) All of the above
Explanation: Antivirus, disk defragmenters, and compression tools are utility software.

  1. Select the incorrect statement regarding the control unit of a microprocessor.

(A) It stores data in the memory.
(B) It accepts input data from the keyboard.
(C) It performs arithmetic and logic operations.
(D) It performs none of the above functions.

The correct answer is (D) It performs none of the above functions.
Explanation: The control unit directs operations but does not store data.

  1. The higher the resolution of a computer monitor, the

(A) closer together are the pixels.
(B) larger are the pixels
(C) further apart are the pixels
(D) less clear is the screen

The correct answer is (A) closer together are the pixels.
Explanation: Higher resolution means denser pixels.

  1. Which of the following statements is true?

(A) Cache memories are bigger than RAM.
(B) Cache memories are smaller than RAM.
(C) ROM is faster than RAM.
(D) Data in ROM can be modified or erased by users.

The correct answer is (B) Cache memories are smaller than RAM.
Explanation: Cache is smaller but faster than RAM.

  1. Virtual reality provides

(A) sharp picture
(B) individual audio
(C) participatory experience
(D) preview of new films

The correct answer is (C) participatory experience
Explanation: Virtual reality is an immersive experience.

  1. A computer virus is a/an

(A) hardware
(B) virus
(C) software
(D) operating system

The correct answer is (C) software
Explanation: A computer virus is a type of malicious software.

  1. High-capacity communications bandwidth that is used by coaxial cables and fiber optic cables is known as

(A) hyperlink
(B) broadband
(C) bus width
(D) barrier wave

The correct answer is (B) broadband
Explanation: Broadband provides high-capacity communication bandwidth.

  1. In an examination, the average marks of a student per paper were 75. Had he obtained 30 marks more in Science, 11 marks more in History, 4 marks more in Hindi and 5 marks more in English, his average marks per paper would have been 80. How many papers were there in the examination?

(A) 15
(B) 10
(C) 8
(D) 13

The correct answer is (C) 8
Explanation: The number of papers in the exam is 8.

  1. If 30% of 40% of X is 48, then X is

(A) 30
(B) 40
(C) 45
(D) 35

The correct answer is (B) 40
Explanation: Solving 30% of 40% of X = 48 gives X = 40.

  1. In how many years the simple interest earned on 16,000-00 at 2% per annum will be equal to simple interest earned on 8,000-00 at 4% per annum in 7 years?

(A) 5 years
(B) 6 years
(C) 7 years
(D) 8 years

The correct answer is (B) 6 years
Explanation: Interest calculations show the answer is 6 years.

  1. The sum of the ages of 5 children born at intervals of 2-5 years each is 50 years. What is the age of the youngest child?

(A) 3 years
(B) 4 years
(C) 5 years
(D) 6 years

The correct answer is (C) 5 years
Explanation: The youngest child is 5 years old.

  1. A man is 30 years older than his son. In two years, his age will be twice the age of his son. The present age of the son is

(A) 22 years
(B) 28 years
(C) 30 years
(D) 32 years

The correct answer is (A) 22 years
Explanation: The son’s present age is 22 years.

  1. If A and B are in the ratio 4:5 and Band Care in the ratio 11:12, then A and C will be in the ratio

(A) 4:12
(B) 5:11
(C) 4:15
(D) 11:15

The correct answer is (C) 4:15
Let A = 4x, B = 5x. Also, B = 11y, C = 12y. Since B is common, equate:
5x = 11y → x/y = 11/5
A/C = (4x)/(12y) = (4 * 11)/(12 * 5) = 44/60 = 4:15

  1. By selling an electric jar at 1,900-00, a man loses 5%. For how much the jar should have been sold to gain 5%?

(A) 2,100
(B) 2,150
(C) 2,200
(D) 2,250

The correct answer is (A) 2,100
Let the cost price (CP) be x. Given, selling price (SP) = 1,900 and loss = 5%.
SP = 95% of CP → 1900 = (95/100) * x → x = 2000
To gain 5%, new SP = 105% of CP → (105/100) * 2000 = 2,100

  1. A rectangle has length 50 cm, breadth 30 cm. Length of the rectangle is increased by 25% and its breadth is increased by 20%. What is the percentage change of the area of the rectangle?

(A) 45%
(B) 49%
(C) 50%
(D) 55%

The correct answer is (C) 50%.
Explanation : To find the percentage change in the area of the rectangle, we need to calculate the original area and the new area after the changes. Original length (L) = 50 cm Original breadth (B) = 30 cm Original area (A) = L × B = 50 × 30 = 1500 cm² New length (L') = 50 + (25% of 50) = 50 + 12.5 = 62.5 cm New breadth (B') = 30 + (20% of 30) = 30 + 6 = 36 cm New area (A') = L' × B' = 62.5 × 36 = 2250 cm² Percentage change in area = ((A' - A) / A) × 100 = ((2250 - 1500) / 1500) × 100 = (750 / 1500) × 100 = 50%

  1. What should come in the place of the question mark ? in the following series?

20, 21, 23, 26, 30, ?

(A) 32
(B) 33
(C) 34
(D) 35

The correct answer is (C) 34
The pattern is:
20, 21 (+1), 23 (+2), 26 (+3), 30 (+4), ? (+5)
So, 30 + 4 = 34

  1. A man goes from Uzanbazar to Panbazar at an average speed of 5 km/hr and then returns to Uzanbazar by the same route at an average speed of 6 km/hr. What is the average speed of the man (corrected up to two decimal places) for the entire journey?

(A) 5.50 km/hr
(B) 5.45 km/hr
(C) 5.65 km/hr
(D) 5.75 km/hr

The correct answer is (B) 5.45 km/hr
Average speed = (2xy)/(x + y), where x = 5, y = 6
= (2 × 5 × 6) / (5 + 6) = 60/11 = 5.45 km/hr

  1. A man has an equal number of 5 rupee notes, 10 rupee notes and 20 rupee notes, which sum totals to 805-00. What is the total number of notes in his possession?

(A) 23
(B) 32
(C) 46
(D) 69

The correct answer is (C) 46
Let the number of each type of note be x.
Total value = 5x + 10x + 20x = 35x
35x = 805 → x = 23
Total notes = 3x = 3 × 23 = 46

  1. In the first 10 overs of a cricket match, the run rate was 4-2. What should be the run rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 292 runs?

(A) 6.5
(B) 6.25
(C) 6.75
(D) 6.15

The correct answer is (B) 6.25
Total runs needed = 292
Runs in first 10 overs = 10 × 4.2 = 42
Remaining runs = 292 - 42 = 250
Required run rate = 250/40 = 6.25

  1. If the cost price of 15 toys is equal to the selling price of 20 toys, then find the loss in percentage in the transaction.

(A) 16%
(B) 20%
(C) 26%
(D) 25%

The correct answer is: (D) 25%
Explanation: Step 1: Let's assume the cost price of 1 toy is x. Then, the cost price of 15 toys is 15x. Step 2: The selling price of 20 toys is equal to the cost price of 15 toys. So, the selling price of 20 toys is also 15x. Step 3: To find the cost price of 20 toys, we multiply the cost price of 1 toy by 20. The cost price of 20 toys is 20x. Step 4: Now, let's calculate the loss. Loss = Cost price - Selling price Loss = 20x - 15x Loss = 5x Step 5: To find the percentage loss, we divide the loss by the cost price and multiply by 100. Percentage loss = (Loss / Cost price) × 100 Percentage loss = (5x / 20x) × 100 Percentage loss = 25%

  1. The LCM of two numbers is 4590 and their HCF is 17. If one of the numbers is 102, the other number is

(A) 765
(B) 775
(C) 785
(D) 795

The correct answer is (A) 765
LCM × HCF = Product of numbers
4590 × 17 = 102 × Other number
Other number = (4590 × 17) / 102 = 765

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