PM POSHAN (Mid Day Meal) Scheme in Assam

About the Scheme

The Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN), formerly known as the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, aims to enhance enrollment, retention, and attendance in schools while improving nutritional levels among children. This scheme is implemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in Assam, covering all government and government-aided primary and upper primary schools.

Scheme Overview

Scheme NamePradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN)
Previously Known AsMid-Day Meal Scheme
Implemented In AssamSince 2004-05
New Name AdoptedSeptember 2021
Preparatory Class CoverageIncluded since April 2022

Coverage in 2023-24

Coverage of Schools

CategoryPrimaryUpper Primary & STCsTotal

Coverage of Children

StageTotal ChildrenAverage Children Covered% of Coverage
Bal Vatika2,42,8022,12,57087.55%
Lower Primary (LP)25,79,79922,91,69888.83%
Upper Primary (UP)12,64,76711,18,94488.47%

Key Components of PM POSHAN

1. Cooking Cost (Per Child Per Day)

StageUp to October 2022Since October 2022
Lower Primary (LP)Rs. 4.97Rs. 5.45
Upper Primary (UP) & NCLPRs. 7.45Rs. 8.17
  • Cost of Food Grains (Rice): Rs. 3,000/- per MT
  • Transportation Cost: Rs. 1,360/- per MT
  • Honorarium to Cook cum Helper: Rs. 1,000/- per month for 10 months (Govt. of India) + Rs. 500/- per month (Govt. of Assam)

2. Nutritional Entitlements Per Child Per Day

ItemPrimaryUpper Primary
Calorie450 Kcal700 Kcal
Protein12 gms20 gms
Food Grains100 gm150 gm
Pulses20 gm30 gm
Vegetables50 gm75 gm
Oil & Fat5 gm7.5 gm
Salt & CondimentsAs per needAs per need
  • Egg Inclusion: One egg per week since April 2021 (soya for vegetarians)
  • Fortified Rice: Only fortified rice (containing Iron, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid) is supplied since April 2022.

Weekly Suggested Menu

DayProposed Menu
MondayMillet-based recipe or Rice, Dal, Vegetables
TuesdayKhichdi (Rice with Pulses), Vegetables
WednesdayRice, Dal, Vegetables, and Egg (Soya for vegetarians)
ThursdayRice, Dal, Vegetables
FridayRice, Dal, Vegetables
SaturdayKhichdi or local option with Rice, Pulses, Vegetables

Best Practices and Innovations in Assam

1. Lemon Revolution

  • Lemon trees planted in 25,763 schools for Vitamin C supply and natural fencing.

2. Sabka Prayas – Sampriti Bhojan

  • Community participation where families contribute food.
  • 2958 families contributed Rs. 37.67 lakh worth of food in 4584 schools, benefiting 3,62,321 children.

3. Additional Egg Provision

  • Two additional eggs per week introduced for Tea Garden (since August 2023) and Char & Chapori areas (since December 2023).
  • Beneficiaries:
    • Tea Garden Areas: 2,49,042 children (2,429 schools)
    • Char & Chapori Areas: 2,23,854 children (1,980 schools)

4. Women Self-Help Groups

  • Mothers’ Groups monitor food safety and assist in cooking and serving meals.

5. Dining Halls

  • Community-supported construction of dining halls in various schools.

6. Hand-Washing Facilities

  • Low-cost, high-value group handwashing model implemented, reducing diseases like diarrhea.

7. Waste Disposal and Bio-Compost

  • Schools are provided garbage bins, and many have started bio-composting waste to grow organic vegetables.

8. School Nutrition Gardens

  • 31,626 schools have well-maintained gardens.
  • Encouragement for Eco Clubs and students to participate.

9. Food Safety Guidelines

  • Guidelines translated into Assamese, Bengali, and Bodo.
  • Training provided to Cook cum Helpers, SMC members.

Standard Operating Procedures in Assam

  • Cooked meals served after the 4th period.
  • Daily stock register maintained for food grains.
  • Food safety and hygiene checks before cooking.
  • Weekly menu displayed in schools.
  • Compulsory food tasting by teachers & SMC members before serving meals.

This initiative plays a crucial role in ensuring proper nutrition and education for children across Assam. The community-driven innovations like Lemon Revolution, Sampriti Bhojan, and School Nutrition Gardens have further strengthened the PM POSHAN Scheme in the state.

Stay updated with APSC ORG official website for further details and notifications.

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