Here is the Latest Syllabus for the Post of APSC Junior Engineer (Civil) Under PWD
If you’re looking for the most recent syllabus for the APSC Junior Engineer (Civil) Under PWD exam, this page has you covered. We ensure you always get the latest content to help your preparation.
Syllabus For Junior Engineer (CIVIL) Under PWD
(Diploma Course Standard)
Duration: 2 Hours
Total Marks: 100 Marks
Sl. No. | Subject |
1 | Construction Materials |
2 | Transportation Engineering |
3 | Engineering Surveying |
4 | Geotechnical Engineering |
5 | Environmental Engineering |
6 | Estimation & Valuation |
7 | Construction Management |
8 | Water Supply Engineering |
9 | Sanitary Engineering |
10 | Advanced Building Construction & Earthquake Engineering |
PAPER-II: General Studies & General English
Syllabus For Junior Engineer (CIVIL) Under PWD
Duration: 2 Hours
Total Marks: 100 Marks
Sl. No. | Subjects |
1 | Current Affairs (India/Assam) |
2 | Indian History & National Movement |
3 | Assam History |
4 | Geography (India/Assam) |
5 | Indian Polity & Constitution |
6 | Sports/Books/Author and eminent persons of Assam |
7 | Economy of India & Assam |
8 | Environment of Assam |
9 | General Mental Ability |
10 | Literature, culture & festivals of Assam & North East |
11 | English Grammar |