Syllabus – APSC Junior Manager (IT) (APGCL)

Here is the Latest Syllabus for the Post of APSC Junior Manager (IT) (APGCL)

If you’re looking for the most recent syllabus for the APSC Junior Manager (IT) (APGCL) exam, this page has you covered. We ensure you always get the latest content to help your preparation.

Paper-I: Information Technology

(Multiple Choice Question Type)
(Diploma Course Standard)

Full Marks: 100 Marks Time: 2-00 hours

Sl no.SubjectTopic
1Object Oriented Programming in C++Principles of Object Oriented Programming, Classes & objects, Functions, Constructors & Destructors, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Pointers in C++, Array, String
2Database Management SystemDatabase system concepts, Database Model, Types of Database, Relational Data Model, ER Diagram & Normalization, SQL, Query Processing & Transaction Processing, Concurrency, Lock Based Protocols
3Operating SystemIntroduction to Operating System, Evolution, Generations, Components & Services, Process Management, Scheduling Algorithms, Memory Management, I/O Windows management, File System Management, Security & Protection
4Data StructureIntroduction to Data Structure, Principles of Programming & Analysis of Algorithms, Sorting & Searching Algorithms, Stacks, Linked Lists, Type of Lists, Queues, Trees, Tree Types & Traversal Methods, Graphs and Hashing
5Microprocessor and Assembly Language ProgrammingBasics of Microprocessor, 16 bit Microprocessor, Instruction set, Assembly language programming
6Data Communication & Computer NetworksBasic Network concepts, Network Topologies, Networking Devices, Transmission media, OSI Model, TCP/IP Fundamentals
7Basics of Multimedia and Web DevelopmentMultimedia Basics, Audio Fundamentals, Image Fundamentals, Image and Graphics, World Wide Web & Its Evolution, HTML, CSS
8Computer Organization and ArchitectureSoftware & Hardware Organization of Computers, Addressing Modes, CPU Design, Memory organization, I/O Organization, DMA Data Transfers
9Basic ElectronicsIntroduction to Digital Electronics, Number System, Logic Gates & Boolean Algebra, Flip-Flops, Memories, Semiconductors, Rectifiers & Filters, Transistors
10Software DevelopmentSoftware Development Process, Analysis & Design Models, Software Testing Fundamentals
11Computer Hardware and MaintenanceMotherboard & its Components, Memory & Storage Devices, I/O Devices & Interface, Power Supply, Troubleshooting & Maintenance

Recruitment to the post of Junior Manager (Electrical/Mechanical/IT/ Instrumentation) under Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGCL)

(Advt. No. 12/2023 dated 25/04/2023)


(Multiple Choice Question Type)

Full Marks: 100 Marks Time: 2-00 hours

SubjectTopicsNo. of QuestionsMarks
General EnglishSentence Completion, sentence improvement, ordering of words in a sentence, spotting errors, synonyms and antonyms, Idioms and phrases, fill in the blanks, word groups etc2525
General Aptitude & Emotional IntelligenceTime and distance; Series, Analogy, Statement, Direction; Verbal and non-verbal reasoning etc.
Understanding Emotional Intelligence, Personality and EQ, The Ability Model of EI, The Trait Model of EI, The Mixed Model of Emotional Intelligence, The Bar-On Model of Emotional Social Intelligence and the Genos Model, Criticism of the Theoretical Foundation and Measures of Assessment of Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Personality Disorders, and Individuals on the Autism Spectrum, EQ and Personal Relationships, Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace, Improving your Emotional Intelligence
General KnowledgeCurrent Affairs (National and International); Who’s Who; Sports; Books and Authors; Awards and Honours; Science Inventions and Discoveries; Abbreviations; Important Days etc.2525

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