Test Booklet No. : 00333
Time Allowed: 2 Hours Full Marks: 100
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The capital of Bangladesh is
(A) Chennai
(B) London
(C) Dhaka
(D) Dhubri
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- By which of the following processes, the genome of bacteria is prevented by its endonucleases?
(A) Methylation at restriction sites
(B) Immune mechanism
(C) Nuclease resistant genome
(D) Endonucleases are not very effective on bacterial genome
- The acrosome of the sperm is formed from the
(A) mitochondria
(B) centrosome
(C) lysosome
(D) Golgi bodies
- Which of the following translational modifications of proteins does not occur in the lumen of ER?
(A) Glycosylation
(B) Ubiquitination
(C) Conformation folding formation structure of and quaternary
(D) Formation of disulphide bonds
- In dark-field microscopy, light is scattered by the specimen, resulting in
(A) a bright background with dark objects
(B) a dark background with bright objects
(C) colored images of the specimen
(D increased magnification com- pared to bright field
- Which checkpoint in the cell cycle ensures DNA replication is complete before mitosis begins?
(A) G₁ checkpoint
(B) Go checkpoint
(C) M checkpoint
(D) There are no checkpoints
- Hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells, is an example of a
(A) fibrous protein.
(B) globular protein
(C) simple protein
(D) conjugated protein
- The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system is a group of genes that code for cell surface proteins that play a vital role in
(A) nutrient transport
(B) immune response and self- recognition
(C) muscle contraction
(D) blood clotting
- In a sexual assault investigation, the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in a semen stain can
(A) identify the specific DNA profile of the perpetrator
(B) indicate the perpetrator’s age
(C) provide a presumptive test for semen
(D) determine the time since the assault
- Signal transduction pathways allow cells to respond to external stimuli by
(A) directly activating genes
(B) relaying signals through a series of molecules within the cell
(C) increasing the rate of protein degradation
(D) blocking the cell cycle at a checkpoint
- In a zwitterion, the overall charge of the molecule is
(A) positive
(B) negative
(C) neutral
(D) It is not relevant to charge on molecule
- Who is considered the father of forensic medicine?
(A) Albert Einstein
(B) Mathieu Orfila
(C) James Marsh
(D) Alphonse Bertillon.
- The development of the fingerprint identification system is attributed to
(A) Alphonse Bertillon
(B) Hans Gross
(C) Francis Galton
(D) Sir William Herschel
- The growing phase of hair is called as
(A) anagen
(B) catagen
(C) telogen
(D) None of the above
- In forensic casework, prostate- specific antigen (PSA) testing is primarily used in
(A) arson investigations
(B) drug trafficking cases
(C) sexual assault investigations
(D) counterfeit currency analysis
- Identifying endangered wood is important because
(A) it may have inferior quality for construction
(B) it helps to determine the age of a tree
(C) it supports sustainable forestry practices
(D) it affects the taste of furniture
- Gram-positive bacteria typically appear in a Gram stain as
(A) pink or red
(B) violet or purple
(C) yellow or orange
(D) colorless
- Which of the following insect life stages is most useful for estimating the post-mortem interval (PMI)?
(A) Eggs
(B) Larvae
(C) Pupae
(D) Adults
- Jaffe color test using picric acid to convert creatinine to colored creatinine picrate is used for the detection of
(A) vaginal secretion
(B) menstrual blood
(C) urine
(D) vomitus
- A body buried deep underground will likely experience
(A) a rapid succession of insect colonization
(B) a slower and delayed insect succession
(C) a unique set of insect species not found above ground
(D) It will not affect insect succession
- The presence of trichomes on plant material can be a clue for the presence of
(A) opium
(B) cannabis
(C) coca plant
(D) Psilocybe mushrooms
- Common examples of cell lines used in research include
(A) yeast cultures
(B) HeLa cells
(C) pollen grains
(D) muscle fibers
- Ti plasmid stands for
(A) tissue-infecting plasmid
(B) tumor-inducing plasmid
(C) transmissible island plasmid
(D) transferable inheritance plasmid
- Which is the correct order from strongest to weakest bond?
(A) Ionic bond Covalent bond > Hydrogen bond > van der Waals interaction
(B) Ionic bond Covalent bond interaction Hydrogen bond > van der Waals
(C) Covalent bond Hydrogen bond interaction Ionic bond > van der Waals
(D) Hydrogen bond Covalent bond interaction Ionic bond > van der Waals
- Which type of cell has the potential to develop into all cell types of an organism, including extraembryonic structures like the placenta?
(A) Pluripotent cell
(B) Multipotent cell
(C) Differentiated cell
(D) Totipotent cell
- Dolly, the sheep was significant because she was the first mammal cloned from
(A) embryonic stem cells
(B) adult somatic cells.
(C) egg cells
(D) sperm cells
- The primary purpose of Northern blotting is to
(A) sequence a specific gene
(B) identify mutations in DNA
(C) quantify and identify specific RNA molecules
(D) amplify analysis DNA for further
- Stem cells are characterized by their abilities to
(A) perform specialized functions
(B) self-renew and differentiate into other cell types
(C) secrete large amounts of hormones of
(D) have a short life span
- The T-DNA region of a bacterial plasmid codes for the production of
(A) proteins involved in bacterial replication
(B) genes beneficial to the plant host
(C) viral replication machinery
(D) toxins
- Compared to other protein separation techniques like SDS- PAGE, IEF offers the advantage of
(A) higher resolution for proteins. with similar molecular weights
(B) faster separation times
(C) direct visualization of protein bands
(D) no benefit above SDS-PAGE
- CRISPR-Cas9 is a powerful tool for gene editing that allows scientists to
(A) introduce new genes into cells
(B) modify existing genes in a targeted way
(C) deliver therapeutic through viral vectors genes
(D) amplify specific DNA sequences.
- A cesium chloride will separate DNA based on
(A) absorption
(B) resorption
(C) density
(D) adhesion
- Short tandem repeat (STR) analysis is a commonly used technique for
(A) sequencing entire genomes
(B) identifying individuals based on specific DNA markers
(C) visualizing chromosomes under a microscope
(D) detecting mutations in genes
- Who is widely recognized as the father of DNA profiling?
(A) H. G. Khorana
(B) Alec Jeffreys
(C) Kary Mullis
(D) E. M. Southern
- The nitrogenous bases in DNA are divided into two categories: purines and pyrimidines. Examples of purines include
(A) adenine (A) and thymine (T)
(B) adenine (A) and guanine (G)
(C) cytosine (C) and uracil (U)
(D) guanine (G) and thymine (T)
- The length of amelogenin locus in Y-chromosomes is
(A) 114 bp
(B) 106 bp
(C) 110 bp
(D) 112 bp
- The Wildlife (Protection) Act was enacted in India in which year?
(A) 1952
(B) 1962
(C) 1972
(D) 1980
- Which of the following is a legally protected area in India with the strictest regulations activity? on human
(A) Wildlife Sanctuary
(B) National Park
(C) Biosphere Reserve
(D) Conservation Reserve
- Who discovered the PCR technique?
(A) Kary Mullis
(B) Alexander Fleming
(C) Alec Jeffreys.
(D) H. G. Khorana
- The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is a premier national institute for wildlife research, education and training located in
(A) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
(B) Shillong, Meghalaya
(C) Dehradun, Uttarakhand
(D) Ranchi, Jharkhand
- Which of the following is not a common method for DNA extraction?
(A) Gel electrophoresis
(B) Organic extraction (phenol- chloroform)
(C) Chelex 100 resin method
(D) Salt-detergent extraction.
- Which of the following methods relies on the specific chemical cleavage of DNA at different nucleotides?
(A) Sanger sequencing
(B) Maxam-Gilbert sequencing
(C) Ion Torrent sequencing
(D) Single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing
- The first step in DNA isolation typically involves cell lysis. What is the purpose of this step?
(A) To remove inhibitors of DNA amplification
(B) To purify the DNA
(C) To break open the cells and release the DNA
(D) To concentrate the DNA
- The study of hair is known as
(A) histology
(B) phytology
(C) lithology
(D) trichology
- What was the primary purpose of the DNA Bill in India?
(A) To regulate genetic modification of crops
(B) To establish a DNA data bank for identification purposes
(C) To provide funding for DNA research projects
(D) To ban the use of DNA testing in paternity suits
- Which of the following is the primary focus of quality control (QC) in a forensic laboratory?
(A) Designing protocols for new forensic techniques
(B) Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of analytical results.
(C) Overseeing the training and competency of laboratory personnel
(D) Maintaining a clean and orga- nized laboratory environment
- The technology used to predict physical characteristics from DNA is called
(A) DNA fingerprinting
(B) forensic DNA phenotyping
(C) DNA cloning
(D) genetic engineering
- Name the type of blood, when it does not show agglutination reaction with anti-A or anti-B.
(A) AB-ve
(B) Negative type
(C) Bombay type
(D) Rh negative type
- Which Ministry is responsible for the National IPR Policy?
(A) The Ministry of Education
(B) The Ministry of Commerce
(C) The Ministry of Culture
(D) The Ministry of Science and Technology
- Which of the following statements is false about mtDNA testing in genetic genealogy?
(A) mtDNA is passed down from mother to child (relatively unchanged).
(B) mtDNA can be used to identify maternal ancestors.
(C) mtDNA remains the same for siblings with different fathers and the same mother.
(D) mtDNA testing can be used to identify the father.
- Which of the following international standards does NABL use for accrediting testing and calibration laboratories?
(A) ISO 9001
(B) ISO/IEC 17025
(C) ISO 14001
(D) All of the above
- The part of the skeleton that is not as hard as bone and which can be bent is called
(A) vertebrae
(B) carpel
(C) cartilage
(D) All of the above
- For a long time it was believed that life originated from dead and decaying matters, the theory is known as
(A) Louis Pasteur theory
(B) Hindenburg theory
(C) Spontaneous Generation theory
(D) Big Bang theory
- Sometimes it happens that a seed germinates within the mother plant before its detachment. The phenomenon is called
(A) vivipary
(B) geopary
(C) neopary
(D) hemopary
- Boyle’s law is applicable for an
(A) adiabatic process
(B) isothermal process
(C) isobaric process
(D) isochoric process
- Which of the following can be treated as a biocontrol agent for plant diseases?
(A) Trichoderma
(B) Lactobacillus
(C) Azospirillum
(D) Azotobacter
- Among the options, which letter is not found in the periodic table?
(A) W
(B) J
(C) N
(D) X
- Which of the following pairs of organelles does not contain DNA?
(A) Nuclear envelope mitochondria and
(B) Mitochondria and lysosome
(C) Chloroplast and vacuole
(D) Lysosome and vacuole
- A sphere, a cube and a thin circular plate, all of the same material and the same mass are initially heated to the same high temperature. Then which of the following statements is true?
(A) Plate will cool fastest and cube the slowest.
(B) Sphere will cool fastest and cube the slowest.
(C) Plate will cool fastest and sphere the slowest.
(D) Cube will cool fastest and plate the slowest.
- AgCl is crystallized from molten AgCl, containing a little CdCl2. The solid obtained will have
(A) cationic vacancies equal to the number of Cd2+ ions incorporated
(B) cationic vacancies equal to double the number of Cd2+ ions
(C) anionic vacancies
(D) neither cationic nor anionic vacancies
- A simple harmonic wave is represented as y = 5 sin π / 2 (100t-2x) x and y are in metre, t is in second. The ratio of wave velocity to maximum particle velocity will be
(Α) 2π
(Β) 3π
(C) 4
(D) 5π
- Which of the following statements is not true for the amorphous and crystalline solids?
(A) Amorphous solids are isotropic and crystalline solids anisotropic. are
(B) Amorphous solids are short- range order and crystalline solids are long-range order.
(C) Amorphous solids melt at characteristic temperature while crystalline solids melt over a range of temperature.
(D) Amorphous solids have an irregular shape and crystalline solids have a geometrical shape.
- Which of the following statements is not true about the hexagonal close packing?
(A) The coordination number is 12.
(B) It has 74% packing efficiency.
(C) Tetrahedral voids of the second layer are covered by the spheres of the third layer.
(D) In this arrangement, spheres of the fourth layer are exactly aligned with those of the first layer.
- An electron is projected into a magnetic field with components of velocity parallel and normal to the field. The path followed by electrons will be
(A) straight
(B) parabolic
(C) helical
(D) elliptical.
- If you want to convert cooking oil into vegetable ghee, the process that you would use is called
(A) freezing
(B) oxidation
(C) crystallization
(D) hydrogenation
- Solid A is very hard electrical insulator in solid as well as in molten state and melts at an extremely high temperature. What type of solid is it?
(A) Ionic solid
(B) Molecular solid
(C) Covalent solid
(D) Metallic solid
- When a non-volatile solid is added to pure water it will
(A) boil above 100 deg * C and freeze above 0 deg * C
(B) boil below 100 deg * C and freeze above 0 deg * C
(C) boil above 100 deg * C and freeze below 0 deg * C
(D) boil below 100 deg * C and freeze below 0 deg * C
- Ohm’s law is not obeyed by
(A) electrolyte
(B) discharge tube
(C) vacuum tube
(D) All of the above
- What kind of charge is produced when a glass rod is rubbed with silk?
(A) + ve
(B) ve
(C) Both ve and ve
(D) None of the above
- The plants that are growing in a rocky habitat are known as
(A) xerophytes
(B) lithophytes
(C) hydrophytes
(D) epiphytes
- Interstitial compounds are formed when small atoms are dropped under the curved lattice of metals. Whether the following is not the characteristic property of interstitial compounds?
(A) They have high melting points into pure metals
(B) They are very hard
(C) They retain conductivity metallic
(D) They reactive are chemically very
- 1836 is considered crucial in the history of Assamese language and literature because
(A) Assamese was reinstated as the official language of Assam
(B) Bengali was imposed as Assam’s State language
(C) first Assamese novel was published
(D) first Assamese magazine was published
- Assam shares its international borders with how many countries?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
- Which of the following State symbols of Assam is not correctly matched?
(A) State Flower-Kopou Phul
(B) State Animal-One-horned rhino
(C) State Tree-Hollong
(D) State Bird-Hornbill
- Which fauna is commonly known as ‘Hihu’ in the Brahmaputra basin, which has been declared as the State aquatic animal?
(A) Golden mahseer
(B) Dugong
(C) Gangetic river dolphin
(D) Ganges sharks
- Several States in the Northeastern part of India were carved out by separating them from Assam. Which one of the following pairs is not among them?
(A) Manipur and Meghalaya
(B) Mizoram and Tripura
(C) Arunachal Nagaland Pradesh and
(D) Manipur and Tripura
- Chao Suhungmung was the first Ahom King to adopt a Hindu title, indicating a move towards an inclusive polity. Which Hindu name did he take?
(A) Swarganarayana
(B) Durlavnarayana
(C) Udayaditya Singha
(D) Jayadhwaj Singha
- She was the founder of The All Assam Pradeshik Mahila Samiti. The novel, Abhijatri is also based on her life and achievements. She is
(A) Nalini Bala Devi
(B) Aideu Handique
(C) Chandraprabha Saikiani
(D) Rajbala Handique
- The best passing out cadet of the National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla (Pune) is conferred the
(A) Chhatrapati Shivaji Gold Medal
(B) Lachit Borphukan Gold Medal
(C) Rani Laxmi Bai Gold Medal
(D) President’s Gold Medal
- is a traditional rice beer prepared by one of the tribal communities of Assam which is the only rice beer having GI tag from Northeastern States.
(A) Feni
(B) Judima
(C) Apong
(D) Rohi
- Bhogeswar Baruah was the first Arjuna Award winner from Assam in 1966. Who was the second Assamese to win this coveted award of Indian sports in 1987?
(A) Tayabun Nisha
(B) Monalisa Baruah Mehta
(C) Madalasa Hazarika
(D) Toshen Bora
- Poki, presently a museum, is the ancestral house of a doyen of Assamese culture. The house remained an epitome of Indian freedom struggle as during the freedom movement the place attracted many national leaders including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, etc. This house belonged to
(A) Bishnu Prasad Rabha
(B) Dr. Bhupen Hazarika
(C) Phani Sarma
(D) Jyoti Prasad Agarwala
- He was a teacher at Assam Engineering College and writer of Oxanto Electron. His actual name was
(A) Bishnu Medhi
(B) Bimal Medhi
(C) Surendra Kumar Medhi
(D) Saurabh Kumar Chaliha
- One famous road of Guwahati was named after him and he was the founder of Assam Tribune and Dainik Asom. Choose his name from the options.
(A) Bhola Borooah
(B) Radha Govinda Baruah.
(C) Padmanath Gohain Baruah
(D) Homen Borgohain
- She was the niece of legendary filmmaker Pramathesh Chandra Barua and was born in Dhubri in 1934. She was conferred Padma Shri for her contribution in the folk song. She was
(A) Parbati Prasad Barua
(B) Sudeshna Sarma
(C) Pratima Barua Pandey
(D) None of them
- The first Peasant Uprising in Assam against the British was known as which one of the following?
(A) Patharughat Raijmel
(B) Battle of Itakhuli
(C) Phulaguri Dhawa
(D) Rangiya Raijmel
- He was a teacher at Gauhati University and was an elected MLA from Naoboicha Assembly during 1967-72. He is
(A) Krishna Kanta Handique
(B) Homen Borgohain
(C) Bijay Krishna Handique
(D) Dr. Bhupen Hazarika
- Ramsar Convention was held at Ramsar, Iran, in 1971. Which lake of Assam is covered under this international convention?
(A) Urpad Beel
(B) Majuli
(C) Khamrenga Beel
(D) Deepor Beel
- He was born in 1806 in Assam’s Jorhat district, he introduced the tea produced by the Singpho tribe to British Officer Robert Bruce. Later he quit his job at the Assam Tea Company to establish his own Cinnamara tea garden at Cinnamara in Jorhat, thus becoming the first Indian Tea Planter to grow tea commercially. He is
(A) Gunabhiram Barua
(B) Anandaram Dhekial Phukan
(C) Maniram Dewan
(D) Purnananda Singha
- Dr. Bhupen Hazarika received his first National Award for Best Music Director in 1975 for which film?
(A) Chameli Memsaab
(B) Era Bator Sur
(C) Aarop
(D) Maniram Dewan
- Select the incorrect statement regarding Gunotsav in Assam.
(A) Gunotsav was introduced in Assam in 2017.
(B) Gunotsav, an initiative of the Government of Assam, is conduc- ted covering all Elementary and Secondary Schools (Government) in the State.
(C) Sivasagar district achieved the first position in Gunotsav 2023 and 2024.
(D) In 2024, Gunotsav Assam was also conducted in selected colleges of the State.
- Euphemism helps in conveying those ideas which have become social and are embarrassing to mention directly. too
(A) norm
(B) taboo
(C) custom
(D) ideology
- Which of the following is used after a nominative absolute?
(A) Colon
(B) Full stop
(C) Question mark
(D) Comma
- Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) My friend who lives in Mumbai is a doctor.
(B) My friend, who lives in Mumbai, is a doctor.
(C) My friend, who lives in Mumbai is a doctor.
(D) My friend who lives in Mumbai, is a doctor.
- During conversation, one should patiently and tactfully.
(A) speak; listen
(B) My friend, who lives in Mumbai, is a doctor.
(C) My friend, who lives in Mumbai is a doctor.
(D) My friend who lives in Mumbai, is a doctor.
(A) speak; listen
(B) write; speak
(C) listen; speak
(D) listen; write
- Identify the segment having grammatical error:
Ramesh sat/in his new vehicle/and went ahead/a drive
(A) Ramesh sat
(B) in his new vehicle
(C) and went ahead
(D) a drive
- Identify the segment having grammatical error: Could you please/confirm me whether you have received/all the items you ordered?
(A) Could you please
(B) confirm me whether
(C) you have received
(D) all the items that you ordered?
- Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order:
On the 3rd of April, 2024
P. off the Taiwan’s east coast
Q. killed by the magnitude 7.4 earthquake
R. that struck in the morning
S. at least 12 people were
- Pick the wrongly spelt word.
(A) Distraut
(B) Anxious
(C) Saddened
(D) Disrupted
- Choose the synonym for the word Combative’.
(A) Belligerent
(B) Amenable
(C) Uncouth
(D) Disreputable
- Find the suitable antonym for the word ‘Ancillary’.
(A) Primary
(B) Tertiary
(C) Auxiliary
(D) Secondary
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