Apply Now – Assam Recruitment – ECHS 2025: 111 Posts

About the Post

The Ex-Servicemen’s Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) has released an official notification for the recruitment of 111 vacancies for various posts, including Medical Officer (MO), Nursing Assistant, Peon, DEO, and others. Interested candidates must check the eligibility criteria and apply before the deadline.

Important Dates

Last Date to ApplyDiphu12/02/2025

Application Fee

No application fee is mentioned in the notification.

Vacancy Details

Post NameVacanciesSalary (₹ per month)
Medical Officer (MO)14₹75,000/-
Dental Officer (DO)08₹75,000/-
Nursing Assistant09₹28,100/-
Laboratory Technician10₹28,100/-
Dental A/T/H08₹28,100/-
Female Attendant09₹16,800/-
Officer In Charge Polyclinic07₹75,000/-
Data Entry Operator (DEO)07₹19,700/-
Medical Specialist01₹1,00,000/-
Laboratory Assistant01₹28,100/-

Eligibility Criteria

Post NameQualification
Medical OfficerMBBS with 5 years of experience
Dental OfficerBDS with 5 years of experience
Nursing AssistantGNM Diploma / Class I Nursing Assistant of Armed Forces
Laboratory TechnicianDMLT / Class I Lab Tech (Armed Forces) with 3 years of experience
Dental A/T/HDiploma in Dental Hygiene / Class I DH/DORA of Armed Forces with 5 years of experience
ClerkGraduate / Class I Clerical Trade (Armed Forces) with 5 years of experience
Female AttendantLiterate with 5 years of experience
Officer In ChargeGraduate with 5 years of experience in Healthcare Institutions or Managerial Positions
PharmacistB.Pharmacy / Diploma in Pharmacy (10+2 Science) with 3 years of experience
Driver8th Pass, Class I MT Driver (Armed Forces), Civil Driving License
Chowkidar8th Pass or GD Trade for Armed Forces Personnel
SafaiwalaLiterate with 5 years of experience
DEOGraduate / Class I Clerical Trade (Armed Forces) with 5 years of experience
Peon8th Pass or GD Trade (Armed Forces) with 5 years of experience

How to Apply?

Location-wise Application Process

Diphu: Submit application in the prescribed format along with self-attested photocopies of testimonials to OIC, Stn Cell (ECHS) HQ 41 Sub Area by 12/02/2025 at [email protected].

Dimapur: Submit application along with self-attested photocopies to OIC, Stn HQs ECHS Cell Dimapur by 12/02/2025 in duplicate.

Bongaigaon: Send application along with documents to Stn HQ (ECHS Cell) Rangia by 14/02/2025 in duplicate.

Rangia: Email application and documents to [email protected] by 14/02/2025.

Kohima: Submit application and documents to OIC, ECHS Cell, Station HQ, Zakhama by 15/02/2025 in duplicate.

Silchar: Submit application to OIC, ECHS Cell, Station HQ Silchar by 17/02/2025 in duplicate.

Leimakhong: Submit application to OIC, ECHS Cell, Leimakhong by 17/02/2025 in duplicate.

Guwahati: Submit application to Receipt & Dispatch Section Stn Cell HQ 51 Sub Area Guwahati or apply online at [email protected] by 01/03/2025.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the last date to apply for ECHS Recruitment 2025?

The last date to apply varies by location. The final deadline is 01/03/2025 for Guwahati.

How can I apply for ECHS recruitment?

Applications must be submitted offline or online, depending on the location. Email or physical submission is required.

Is there any application fee for ECHS Recruitment?

No, the notification does not mention any application fee.

What is the salary for the Medical Officer post?

The salary for Medical Officers is ₹75,000/- per month.

Can civilians apply for ECHS recruitment?

Yes, but some positions are reserved for ex-servicemen with relevant experience.

What is the qualification for the DEO post?

A Graduate degree or Class I Clerical Trade (Armed Forces) with 5 years of experience is required.

What is the minimum qualification for a Driver?

Candidates must have passed 8th grade and hold a civil driving license.

Where will the job postings be?

The vacancies are in various locations across Assam, Manipur, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh.

Stay updated with APSC ORG official website for further details and notifications.

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