APSC CCE General Studies 1998 Question Paper With Solutions
Go through the question paper of APSC General Studies with solutions. Solving previous years’ question papers will help you get a very good idea of how the questions are asked in the General Studies paper. We have hidden the answers so that you can solve it yourself first before reading the actual answer. Good luck.
Code No.: CCT.2-IX-IX-1 Roll No.
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Time Allowed: 2 (Two) Hours Maximum Marks: 200
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No. of Questions: 100
- Who among the following person was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998?
(a) Walter kohn
(b) Jose Saramago
(c) David Trimble
(d) Daniel C. Sui
- On August 16, 1998 last the U. S. A. struck Afghanistan with their Tamahawk cruise missiles. Their target was-
(A) Taliban militia
(b) Osama Bin Laden
(c) Communist militia
(d) Iranian build-up along the Afghan Iran border.
- Which one of the following about the lokpal Bill is not correct?
(a) It was introduced in the Lok Sabha by the Prime Minister in November, 1998.
(b) It seeks to bring under the purview of thePrevention of Corruption Act the Union Cabinet Ministers including the Prime Minister.
(c) The Bill ahs 32 clauses.
(d) A committee headed by the Vice President would recommend the name of a person for appointment as lokpal chairperson by the President of India.
- NATO was expanded on May 22, 1998, by admitting-
(a) Hungary, Czech and Slovak Republics.
(b) Turkey, Hungary and Czech Republics.
(c) Turkey, Serbia and Slovak Republics.
(d) Hungary, Poland and Czech Republics.
- Which one of the following statemanets is not correct about the International Space Station?
(a) It came into reality in December, 1998.
(b) The Russian-built Zarya Module and the USA-built Unity module fitted together for the first time.
(c) It revolves round the earth at a height of about 1000 km.
(d) The Project seeks to join more thin 100space station components
- The number of medals begged by Jyotirmayee Sikdar in the 13th Asiad held at Bangkok is-
(a) One gold and one silver
(b) One gold and two silver
(c) Two gold and one silver
(d) Two gold and two silver
- The new Exim policy announced by the Commerce Ministry of India in April 1998 seeks an ambitious export growth of 20%. Which one is not of the sailent features of the said policy?
(a) Speedy issue of advanced licensing,
(b) Relaxation of bank guarantee norms
(c) Non relaxation of import curbs on listed items.
(d) Setting up of Anti-Dumping Directorate.
- Malpa was in the news in August, 1998. because
(a) Uranium was discovered here.
(b) A devastating earthquake destroyed many village around it.
(c) A devasting flood destroyed the village completely killing about 200 people.
(d) Heavy landslides killed more than 200 persons including some pilgrims.
- Before Pokhran II phase of 5 nuclear tests by India on 11 May 1998 and there after, the N- tests conducted by P 5 (the permanent members of the UN Security Council) totalled.
(a) Over 1000
(b) Over 2000
(c) Under 700
(d) Under 500
- The Euro seems to have thrown down e challenge to:
(a) The US dollar
(b) The Singapore dollar
(c) The Hong kong dollar
(d) The Australian dollar
- Which word leader commented as follows on Us-British air strikes in Iraq (‘Operation Desert Fox’): “This is a sad day for the UN and for the world?
(a) Nelson Mandela
(b) Boris Yelstin
(c) Jiang Zemin
(d) Kofi Annan
- Which former Soviet Republic is moving towards ‘voluntary unification’ with Russsia even while retaining its national sovereignty?
(a) Belarus
(b) Ukraine
(c) Kazakhstan
(d) Uzbekistan
- The UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as adopted and proclaimed by the UN Genaral Assembly on:
(a) 10 December 1948
(b) 10 December 1945
(c) 10 December 1955
(d) 1 January 1946
- The Olympics 2004 is to be held in-
(a) Capetown
(b) Tokyo
(c) Rome
(d) Sydney
- Hong Kong came back into China’s fold after-
(a) 150 year
(b) 156 year
(c) 120 year
(d) 100 year
- The latest regional economic bloc to be formed is-
(c) APEC
- Bishop Carlos Felipe, Ximenes Belo and Jose Romos-Horta shared the Nobel Peace Prize in-
(a) 1992
(b) 1994
(c) 1996.
(d) 1997
- To prevent the spreading of social cancer i.e. corruption CBI has been entrusted with the task of exposing the truth. In which year CBI Institution was formed?
(a) 1995
(b) 1985
(c) 1963
(d) 1970
- Recently four Indian scientist met unnatural death in a place of Antarctica. The place is meant for research and experimental purpose. It is-
(a) Indira Point
(b) Lake Priyadarshini
(c) Panganga
(d) Dakshin Gongotri
- Which one of the following regions of Asia in experiencing the highest growth rate of population?
(a) South Asia
(b) South-East Asia
(c) Central Asia
(d) West Asia
- The most important condition laid down by India for signing the CTBT has been stated as:
(a) India should be recognised as nuclear Power
(b) India should be admitted as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.
(c) India should be free to develop capacity for a minimum nuclear daterrance in the interests of her own national security.
(d) Pakistan should be declared a terrorist State.
- In a recent written document to the Security Council, Secretary General Koffi Annan has recommended ‘technical liquidation’ of the U.N. Peace Keeping Mission form:
(a) Lebanon
(b) Angola
(c) Cyprus
(d) El Salvador
- The International year of the Ocean is-
(a) 1996
(b) 1997
(c) 1998
(d) 1999
- India was represented in the G-15 Summit in Cairo by-
(a) Pime Minister A.B. Bajpayee
(b) Vice President Krishnakant
(c) Home Minister L.K. Advani
(d) Lok Sabha speaker G. Mc. Balayogi
- The 1998 Pulitzer Prize was bagged by-
(a) New York Times
(b) Grand Fork
(c) Los Angles Time
(d) National Herald
- The 16th World Football Tournament was inagurated by the French President-
(a) Mitterend
(b) Clemencheu
(c) Jacques Chirac
(d) Talleyrand
- In the 12th Lok Sabha election the number of seats bagged by Rashtriya Janata Dal was-
(a) 12
(b) 15
(c) 17
(d) 19
- The author of the book ‘INDIA: 2020’ is-
(a) APJ Abdul Kalam
(b) Arun Shourie
(c) Arundhati Roy
(d) Vikram Seth
- One monthly Magazine published in Assam still costs 25 paise per issue. Its name is-
(a) ALOK
(c) Prantik
(d) Yugasangkha
- Srimanta Shankardev Kalakhetra is built as-
(a) a cultural achievement of the State Government.
(b) a cultural achievement of the Central Government.
(c) a consequence ence of ‘Assam Accord’.
(d) a work based on voluntary contributions of the people of Assam.
- The film ‘Elizabeth’ is directed by-
(a) Scarlet Pimpernel
(b) Piyush Jha
(c) Deepa Mehta
(d) Sekhar Kapoor
- The dockyard of Indus Civilisation is found at-
(a) Lothal
(b) Kalibanga
(c) Ropar
(d) Rangpur
- The animal inknown to the Indus Civilisation was-
(a) cow
(b) bull
(c) elephant
(d) horse
- The ultimate source of the law, according to the Vedic thinkers is the-
(a) Monarch
(b) People
(c) Council of Ministers
(d) Dharma
- Dipavamsa is written in-
(a) Sanskrit
(b) Pali
(c) Hindi.
(d) None of these
- The Empire of Chandragupta Maurya did not include-
(a) Magadha
(b) Punjab
(c) Kabul
(d) Kalinga
- The normal form of Government during the Rig Vedic age was-
(a) Hereditaty monarchy
(b) Direct democracy
(c) Oligarchy
(d) Merchant’s Guild
- Ashoka did not ask for-
(a) reverence to all ascetics
(b) respect to parents
(c) to refrain from violence
(d) devotion to Buddhist sangha
- The capital of Kaniska was-
(a) Sakal
(b) Jalandhar
(c) Purushapura
(d) Kaniskapura.
- Harshavardhan was defeated by a king of the-
(a) Sungas
(b) Maukheris
(c) Satvahanas
(d) Chalukyas
- The Mughal Emperor who granted Dewani to the East India Company was-
(a) Bahadur Shah-I
(b) Shah Alam I
(c) Shah Alam II
(d) Bahadur Shah II
42, In Bihar the Revolt of 1857 was led by-
(a) Nana Saheb
(b) Tantia Tope
(c) Khan Bahadur Khan
(d) Kunwar Singh
- The Durand Line demarcates the borderline between India and-
(a) Nepal
(b) Bhutan
(c) Afghanistan
(d) China
- Who said, “minority can not be allowed to vetothe political progress of the majority”?
(a) Attle
(b) A. V. Alexander
(c) Cripps
(d) President Wilson
- Saugali Treaty was concluded between the British and-
(a) Gorkhas
(b) Afghans
(c) Pindaris
(d) Marathas
- Who was not a member of the Cabinet Mission-
(a) Lord Pettick Lowrence
(b) Sir Staford Cripps
(c) A..V. Alexander
(d) Lord Wavell
- Who was not a martyr of the Quit India Movement-
(a) Kanaklata
(b) Bhogeswari Phukanani
(c) Kushal Konwar
(d) Manirarn Dewan
- The ‘Young Bengal’ was formed by-
(a) Louise Vivian Direjio
(b) Annie Besant
(c) Subhashchandra Bose
(d) Surendranath Banerjee
- Who did not belong the ‘Jonaki Yug’?
(a) Lakshminath Bezbaruah
(b) Chandrakumar Agarwalla
(c) Hemchandra Goswami
(d) Nidhiram Farwell
- United Arab Emirates is made up of-
(a) Five Sheikhdoms
(b) Six Sheikhdoms
(c) Seven Sheikhdoms
(d) Nine Sheikhdoms
- Which one of the following pairs of countries and capitals is wrongly matched?
Country Capital
(a) Belgiumb. Brussel’s
(b) Brazil Rio de Janerio
(c) North Korea. Pyong Yong
(d) Sudan Omdurman
- Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(a) Of all the African countries Nigeria has the highest population.
(b) The rive Rio Grande is situated in North America.
(c) The only dependent territory in Europe is Gibraltar.
(d) California has temperate maritime climate.
- Maoris is used for the original people of
(a) Tasmania
(b) South Africa
(c) New Zealand
(d) Fiji
- Most of the world’s wheat producing regions have-
(a) more than 1500 mm of rainfall
(b) less than 300 mm of rainfall
(c), very high rainfall
(d) less than 1000 mm of rainfall.
- Identity the correct setting of islands in Japan-
- Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) Maharashtra produces iron ore
(b) Uttar Pradesh has no cement factory
(c) Punjab produces rice
(d) Andaman Island have no indigenous population.
- The smallest state in India from the view point-
(a) Goa
(b) Sikkim
(c) Nagaland
(d) Tripura
- Punjab in winter gets precipitation because of-
(a) Retreating monsoons.
(b) Cyclones coming from Mediter ranmean and Gulf of Iran.
(c) S. W. Monsoons
(d) N. E. Trade wind.
- Which of the following does not apply to Gujarat?
(a) It is the largest producer of groundnut.
(b) It is the largest producer of tobacco
(c) It is the largest producer of salt
(d) It is the largest producer of milk product.
- India is self sufficient in all of the following minerals except-
(a) Coal
(b) Copper
(c) Manganese
(d) Mica
- The first railway line in India from Bombay to Pune passes through-
(a) Palghat
(b). Thaighat
(c) Bhorghat
(d) Sengottan Pass
- The limestorie for Bokajan Cement factory comes mainly from-
(a) Silbheta
(b) Dilat hili
(c) Dambuk
(d) Koilajan
- Nameri wildlife sanctuary, which has recently been upgraded to a National Park is located in the district of-
(a) Tinsukia
(b) Dhemaji
(c) Sonitpur
(d) North Cachar Hills
- The total area cropped in Assam now stands at about-
(a) 27 million hectares
(b) 20 million hectares
(c) 15 million hectares
(d) 12 million hectares
- In respect of basin area coverage the rank of the Brahmaputra among the rivers of the world is-
(a) Second
(b) First
(c) Third
(d) Fifth
- The Gai, a tributory to Brahmaputra is situated between-
(a) The Dibang and the Dihang
(b) The Dihang and the Subansiri
(c) The Subansiri and the Bharati
(d) The Bharati and the Bornadi
- …. the though India was to be a federation, the federation was not the result of an agreement by the States to join in a federation, and that the federation not being the result of a agreement, no State has the right to secede from it. The federation is a Union because it is indestructible’. Who made the statement during Constituent Assembly debated:
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) Sardar Patel
(d)Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
- The President can proclaim emergency under-
(a) Article 353
(b) Article 355
(c) Article 365
(d) Article 356
- Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) became constitutionalized bodies under-
(a) Art, 12 of the Constitution
(b) Art, 40 of the Constitution
(c) The 64th Amendment Bill of 1989
(d) The 73rd and 74th Amendments (1992) to the Constitution.
- Under Art, 243 ZD, a District Planning, Committee forwards the draft development plan for the district as a whole covering Panchayats and Municipalities (after consolidating their plans) to-
(a) The Planning Commissionliberalisation
(b) Governor of the State
(c) The Covernment of the State
(d) Union Finance Minister
- Which of the following is wrongly matched?
(a) December 9, 1947-First meeting of the Constituent Assembly.
(b) November 26, 1946- People of India enacted and gave to themsleves the Constitutioin.
(c) January 24, 1950-the Constitution was finally signed by the members of the Constituent Assembly.
(d) January 26, 1950-date of commencement of the Constitution.
- The Dinesh Goswami Committee was concerned with-
(a) de-nationalisation of banks
(b) electoral reforms-
(c) insurgency in the North-East
(d) the problem of the Chakmas
- Subjects entrusted to the care of the Panchayats are listed in-
(a) Eleventh Schedule
(b) Twelfth Schedule
(c) State list
(d) Seventh Schedule
- Which amendment provides for an authoritative version of the Constitution in Hindi?
(a) 56th amendment
(b) 58th amendment
(c) 60th amendment
(d) 61st amendment
- The Supreme Court ruled Parliament had no power to change the basic structure of the constitution in-
(a) Golaknath case
(b) Minerva Mills case
(c) Keshavananda Bharati case
(d) Gopalan case
- After liberalisation planning has been-
(a) done away with
(b) very much ignored
(c) relegated to the background
(d) corabined with market economy
- The Union Cabinet (January 1999) approved the draft Ninth Path (1997-2002) amounting to:
(a) Rs. 374,000 crore
(b) Rs. 290,000 crore
(c) Rs. 859,000 crore
(d) Rs. 10,000 crore
- As per Reserve Bank of India figures (3rd week of January 1999), the country s forex (foreign exchange) reserves stood at-
(a) US dollar 30, 108 million
(b) US dollar 27,000 million
(c) US dollar 25,000 million
(d) US dollar 29,000 million
- Given below re two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Rea- son (R).
Asserrtion: (A): The emergence of economic globalism does not imply the decline of socialist ideology.
Reason (R): The ideology of socialism believes in universalism and globalism. In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both A and R. are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b). Both A and R are true but R. is not a correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
- Which one of the following Five Year Plans recognised human developinent as the core of all developmental efforts?
(a) Third Five Year Plan
(b) Fifth Five Year Plan
(c) Sixth Five Year Plan
(d) Eight Five Year Plan
- ‘Self-sufficiency’ in food, in the rue sense of freedom from hunger, has not been achieved in India inspite of a three fold rise in food production since the fifties. Which of the following are reasons for it?
(a) The Green Revolution has been restricted to small pockets of the country.
(b) The cost of food is too high compared to the earnings of the poor.
(c) Too much emphasis is laid on wheat & paddy compared to coarse grains.
(d) The gains of the Green Revolution have largely accrued to cash crop rather than food crop.
(a) abc
(c) acd
(b) abd
(d) bcd
- A major shief in the 8th Five-Year plan from its preceding ones is-
(a) The significant reduction in public sector outlays
(b) Concentration of public investment in infrastructure sectors
(c) Major investment in agriculture so as to promote exports.
(d) Major investment in sectors in which industrial sickness has been a chronic problem.
- Which one of the following sets of economists strongly favoured market economy?
(a) Adam Smith, Keynes, Hicks
(b) Adam Smith, Marx, Strumlin
(c) Adam Smith, Hayek, Friedman
(d) Adam Smith, Ricardo, Galbraith
- The concept of mixed economy envisages-
(a) integrated and balanced economic development
(b) balanced development of agriculture and industry
(c) equal importance to economic and social values
(d) co-existence of public and private sectors
- The principle of communal representation in India was first introduced by-
(a) The Indian Councils Act, 1861
(b) The Indian Councils Act, 1892
(c) The Indian Councils Act, 1909
(d) The Government of India Act, 1919
- Who was the first woman President of the Indian National Congress?
(a) Vijay Laxmi Pandit
(b) Annie Besant
(c) Kasturba Gandhi
(d) Sucheta Kripalini
- Who edited ‘Young India’?
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai
(b) Annie Besant
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) S. N. Banerjee
- Who founded the “Servants of India Society’?
(a) M. G Ranade
(b) GK. Gokhale
(c) S. N. Banerjee
(d) Dada Bhaiu Naoroji
- “The Suwat Split was the saddest episode in the history of the Congress” Who said this?
(a) B. Tilak
(b) S. N. Banerjee
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai
- For whom did Valentine Chirol say, “He was the Father of Indian Unrest’.
(a) B. C. Pal
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) B. G Tilak
(d) Bhagat Singh
- Which Bill was being debated in the Central Legislative Assembly when Bhagat Singh threw a bomb in Central Legislative Assembly In 19297
(a) Tinde Disputes Bill
(b) Public Safety Bill
(c) Ilbert Bill
(d) None of the above
- “These deaths, injuries, humiliations and atrocities are the price of liberty, a price or country is asked to pay for its desire to be free’. Whose words are those?
(a) Nabin Chandra Bordoloi
(b) T. R. Phukan
(c) Gopinath Bordoloi
(d) Padmadhar Chaliha
- Which is the od. nan out?
(a) WSOK
(b) YUQM
(c) OKGC
(d) JGDA
- In a group of children each child gives a gift to every other. If the number of gifts is 132, find then number of children.
(a) 16
(b) 14
(c) 12
(d) 11
- IF MASTER is coded as OCUVGT, which on cof the following will be the code for BRING?
- If 8×6-43,6 x 4-32, 2 x 4-12, than 4 x 87
(a) 48
( b) 32
(c) 24
(d) 16
- We see the same face of the moon, beacuse the durations of-
(a) moon’s rotation and revolution are same
(b) Moon’s rotation and earth’s rotation are same
(c) moon’s revolution and earth’s rotation are same
(d) moon’s revolution and earth’s revolution are same.
- What is exbiology?
(a) Science dealing with the physical and chemical state of dead bodies.
(b) Science dealing with the physical and chemical satete of fossils.
(c) Science dealing with life or possibility of life on other planets.
(d) Science dealing with micro-organisms in the atmosphere.
- Nuclear energy is a result of conversion of-
(a) neutron into proton
(b) light into heat
(c) helium into hydrogen
(d) mass into energy