APSC CCE General Studies 2013 Question Paper With Solutions
Go through the question paper of APSC CCE GS with solutions. Solving previous years’ question papers will help you get a very good idea of how the questions are asked in the General Studies paper. We have hidden the answers so that you can solve it yourself first before reading the actual answer. Good luck.
Subject Code No:01 Series A
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Time allowed: 2(two) Hours Full Marks: 200
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No. of Question-100
- Which of the following is not included in the State List in the Constitution of India?
(A) Criminal Procdur Code
(B) Law and order
(C) Police
(D) Prison
2. The Rajya Sabha has exclusive jurisdiction in
(A) creation and abolition of States
(B) approving a proclamation of emergency
(C) the election of the Vice President
(D) authorizeing Parliament to legislate on a subject in the State List.
- Which one of the following is not a part of the Directive Principles of the State Policy?
(A) Right against exploitation
(B) Right to work
(D) Right to public assistance in case of unemployment.
(C) Right to education
- The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with
(A) administration of areas having majority of OBC/MOBC population
(B) State reorganization based on language
(C) The provision for administration of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.
(D) Welfare of the SC/ST population
5. Which one of the following words was not originally included in the Preamble to the Constitution of India?
(A) Sovereign
(B) Socialist
(C) Secular
(D) Republic
6.The President of India does not deny his consent to a Money Bill because
(A) it is urgent in nature
(B) it is initiated by the Finance Minister
(C) it is initiated by the Finance Minister on the recommendation of the President.
(D) it is initiated in the Lok-Sabha
- When did the Constitution Assembly of India have first meeting?
(B) July 18, 1947
(A) December 10, 1946
(C) August 14, 1947
(D) August 15, 1947
- Fundamental Duties were appended to the Constitution of India by the 42nd Amendment on the recommendation of
(A) Swarn Singh Commitee
(B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Commitee
(C) K.C. pant Commitee
(D) C.D. Deshmukh Commitee
- Ashok Mehta Committee stated that
(A) the Zila parishad should be made responsible for planning at the district level
(B) in all States, there shall be a Gram Sabha
(C) periodic elections are to be held
(D) one-third of the total seats should be reserved for women
- The Division of power between Center and States is contained in the Constitution of India in the
(A) Third Schedule
(B) Fifth Schedule
(C) Seventh Schedule
(D) Eighth Schedule
- Which one of the following, is the legal document created in 1947 that allowed the Princely States to join either India or Pakistan?
(A) The Act of Accession, 1947
(B) Instrument for Accession
(C) Legal Document for Accession
(D) None of the above
- During national emergency, the President can suspend the judicial enforcement of the Fundamental Rights except the two Articles which are
(A) 15, 16
(C) 20,21
(B) 18, 19
(D) 32, 33
- Arrange the following presidents of India in the correct chronological sequence
(A) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
(B) Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
(C) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
(D) Giani Zail Sing
(A) II, III, IV, 1
(Β) ΙV, II, II, Ι
(C) III, II, IV, I
(D) II, IV, III, 1
- Which Of the following is not a Money Bill?
(A) Budget
(B) Appropriation Bill
(C) Bill seeking Vote on Account
(D) Finance Bill
- The term ‘secular was added to the preamble of the Constitution of India by the
(A) 40th Amendment
(B) 41st Amendment
(C) 42nd Amendment
(D) 43rd Amendment
- Which Article of the Indian Constitution has empowered the parliament to regulate citizenship matters?
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 11
- GSAT-7, the first Indian satellite for defence purposes, was launched from
(A) Shriarikota
(B) Kourou
(C) Baikonour
(D) Cape Canaveral
- Un in its report ‘World population Prospects, 2012’ has noted that India will be the world’s largest populated country, leaving behind China, by the year
(A) 2022
(B) 2028
(c) 2035
(D) 2050
- The popular uprising in Assam Known as Patharughat Battle took place in the year
(A) 1861
(B) 1862
(C) 1893
(D) 1894
- In Which year, Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary was elevated to a National Park?
(A) 1974
(B) 1975
(C) 1976
(D) 1977
- Who was the President of the Swaraj party’ formed in Assam during the freedom Movement?
(A) Maniram Dewan
(B) Vishnuram Medhi
(C) Gopinath Bordoloi
(D) Tarun Ram Phukan
- Name of the submarine which was destroyed in a major accident in 2013 is
(A) INS Sindhurakshak
(B) INS Shalki
(C) INS Godavari
(D) INS Yamuna
- The famous musician Zubin Mehta was in news recently which had an Indian connection because
(A) of his refusal to perform
(B) he is a foreign citizen of Indian origin
(C) of a concert in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir
(D) None of the above
- The ship MV Bingo was drowned due to cyclone phailin on October 12, 2013. The 18- member crew on board was rescued after 40 hours by
(A) Dornier Aircraft CG 970
(B) Dornier Aircraft CG 790
(C) Dornier Aircraft CG 079
(D) Boeing 777
- Which of the following has announced its plan to launch the world’s largest solar sail in 2014?
(C) European Space Agency
(D) Japanese Space Agency
- Female literacy in India as per the Census Data, 2011 stands at
(A) 64.6%
(B) 70.3%
(C) 62.5%
(D) 68.2%
- In the last one decade, which among the following sectors has attracted the highest foreign direct investment inflows into India?
(A) Chemicals other than fertilizers
(B) Service sector
(C) Food processing
(D) Telecommunication
- Which Indian economist helped create the United Nations Human Development Index ?
(A) Jagadish Bhagawati
(B) Amartya Sen
(C) Arvind Panagariya
(D) Ashok Desai
- In India, Which one among the following formulates the fiscal policy?
(A) The Planning Commission
(B) The Ministry of Finance
(C) The Finance Commission
(D) The Reserve Bank of India
- The Committee that recommended abolition of tax rebate under Section 88 is
(A) Chelliah Committee
(B) Kelkar Committee
(C) Shome Committee
(D) None of the above
- VAT is imposed
(A) directly on consumer
(B) on the first stage of production
(C) on the final stage of production
(D) on all stages between production and final. sale
- SEBI as a/an
(A) statutory body
(B) advisory
(C) constitutional body
(D) non-statutory body
- In India, inflation is measured on the basis of
(A) Consumer Price Index
(B) Wholesale Price Index
(C) Human Development index
(D) Marker Forces
- The terra-corta industry in Assam has developed in
(A) Goalpara District
(B) Barak District
(C) Dhubri District
(D) Tinsukia District
- A rise in the general price level may be caused by
(A). a decrease in the aggregate level of output
(B). an increase in the effective demand
(C). an increase in the supply of money
(D). (A) and (C) only
- In single-brand retail, the Government of India. has raised FDI limit through FIPB from 49% to
(A) 51%
(B) 74%
(C) 100%
(D) None of the above
- The recommendation of the 13th Finance Commission have become operational for the period.
(B) 2011-2016
(C) 2012-2017
(D) None of the above
- Which of the following statements is correct for the planning commission of India?
(A) It is not defined in the Indian constitution
(B) Members and the Vice Chairman do not have fixed working duration
(C) Its members do not require any minimum educational Qualification
(D) All of the above.
- Decentralized planning on the basis of Panchayati Raj institution was recommended by
(A) Ashok Mehta
(B) Gadgil Committee
(C) Mahalanobis Committee
(D) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
- The Minimum Neeeds Programme was introduced in the
(A) Fourth Plan
(B) Fifth Plan
(C) Sixth Plan
(D) Seventh plan
- There was a plan holiday in India During
(A) 1955-1958
(B) 1961-1964
(C) 1971-1974
(D) None of the above.
- What was set up in 1950 for conducting large- scale surveys to meet the data needs of the country for the estimation of the national income and related aggregates ?
(A) The Planning Commission
(B) The National Sample Survey
(C) The Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices
(D) The Central Statistical Organization
- Which of the following is not correct in respect of the term ‘disinvestment’?
(A) Reduction of public debt
(B) A process of privatization
(C) Release of large amounts of public resources locked up in non-stratgic public sector enterprises
(D) Revival of public sector enterprises
- Which is the new tax regime proposed to be introduced in the country?
(A) GST (Goods) Services Tax)
(B) VAT (value Added Tax)
(C) Agricultural Income Tax)
(D) Central Excise
- The first systematic attempt of economic planning in India was made in the year
(A) 1934
(B) 1937
(C) 1943
(D) 1944
- The Minimum amount of caloriebased defini- 54.1 tion of poverty in India was accepted in the
(A) Fourth Plan
(B) Fifth Plan
(C) Sixth Plan
(D) Seventh Plan
- Under decentralized planning, a planning committee is set up at which level?
(A) Block
(B) Subdivision
(C) District
(D) Gaon Panchayat
- Which is the largest plain of the world?
(A) Siberin Plain
(B) Indo-Gangetic Plain
(C) The Prairies
(D) The Steppe Land
- How much percent of the Indian Landmass is covered by the State of Assam ?
(B) 2-39%
(C) 4-39%
(D) 2-93%
- Which of the following seas is without a coast-line?
(A) Black Sea
(B) Mediterraean Sea
(C) Sargasso Sea
(D) Sea of Azov
- Panidihing Birds Sanctuary is located in which of the following districts of Assam?
(A) Jorhat
(C) Sibsagar
(B) Golaber
(D) Dhemaji
- Arrange the National parks of Assam correctly in the order of descending size.
(A) Kaziranga, Manas, Nameri, Dibru Saikhowa, Orang
(B ) Manas, Kaziranga, Dibru Saikhawa, Nameri, Orang, Dibru Saikhawa
(C ) Kaziranga, Manas, Nameri, Orang,
(D) Manas, Dibru Saikhawa, Kaziranga, Orang, Nameri
- Which of the following cottage industry workers in Assam suffer most due to paucity of raw materials?
(A) Brass-smiths
(B) Bell metal-smiths
(C) Ivory artists
(D) Potters and blacksmiths
- Longloi, Kailajan, Sibheta and Khanbhaman are famous for which of the following re- sources ?
(A) Limestone
(B) Iron ore
(C) Coal
(D) Sillimanite
- The Yandaboo Treaty was signed in 1826 between
(A) East India Company and the Ahom King
(B) East India Company and the Burmese
(C) British Crown and the Ahom King
(D) British Crown and the Burmese
- Which of the following States does not have an autonomous district ?
(A) Arunachal Pradesh
(B) Meghalaya
(C) Mizoram
(D) Tripura
- The construction of Panama Cenal in 1914 eliminated the long and hazardous voyage.
(A) between North and South America
(B) in the stormy Atlantic Ocean
(C) round the Cape of Good Hope
(D) round the stormy Cape Horn
- If the Arctic ice is replaced with dense forest, which of the following situations may arise?
(A) It Will decelrate global warming
(B) It may or may not affect global warming
(C) It will accelerate global warming
(D) It will not have any effect on global warming . The National Children’s Science Congress
- (NCSC) is an annual event organized with the puurpose of
(A) motivating children to take up scientific research on local specific issues
(B) demonstrating presentation of children
(C) popularizing science among the people
(D) taking science to the villages
- The Shanti Sens Force was Foemed in Assam during the Independence Movement before the commebcement of the
(A) Quit India Movement
(B) Civil Disobedience Movement
(C) Non-Cooperation Movement
(D) Ahom Association
- The Buranjis are
A. autobiographical writings of the Ahom rulers
B. diaries written by the monarchs
C. chronicles
D. none of the above
- With respect to investment in the renewable energy sector, the first three ranks are held by
A. India. USA. China
B. China, Japan, USA
C. China, USA. India
D. Japan. China, India
- The hybrid Indo-Greek art form depicting Buddhist themes is known as
A. Tanjore Art
B. Gandhara Art
C. Pahari Art
D. Kangra Art
- The title given by the British to M. K. Gandhi which he surrendered was
A. Hind Kesari
B. Kaiser-e-Hind
C. Rai Bahadur
D. Jewel of India
- Under the Mountbatten Plan, a referendum in Assam was to be held in the district of
A. Sibsagar
B. Lakhimpur
C. Goalpara
D. Sylhet
- The First Session of the Indian National Congress was presided over by
A. W.C. Banerjee
B. B.R. Ambedkar
C. J.L. Nehru
D. Sardar Vallabbhai Patel
- The last independent Ahom King was
A. Chandrakanta Singha
B. Kamaleswar Singha
C. Jogeswar Singha
D. Purandar Singha
- The Constituent Assembly was set up according to the proposal of
A. Mountbatten Plan
B. Wavell Plan
C. Cripps Mission Plan
D. Cabinet Plan
- The Gandhara School of Art is a contribution of
A. Asoka
B. Harshavardhana
C. Pulakeshin II
D. Kanishka
- Sadiya Khowa Gowahin was a
A. Jamindar
B. King
C. frontier officer
D. naval commander
- Prachya Sasanavali was edited by
A. Dr. Maheswar Neog
B. Dr. Birinchi Kumar Barua
C. Dr. Surya Kumar Bhuyan
D. Alexander Mackezine
- The king nicknamed as Bhagaraja was
A. Sutiyampha
B. Sutamla
C. Surampha
D. Sunytpha
- A pioneer lady responsible for forming the Mrityu Bahini in Assam in connection with the freedom struggle of the country was
A. Chandraprabha Saikiani
B. Pushpalata Das
C. Rani Gaidinlieu
D. None of themselves
- Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A. Civil Disobedience Movement was started based on the issue of salt
B. Dandi March was started from Gandhiji’s Ashram at Wardha
C. Gandhi violated the Salt Laws on April 6, 1930
D. Salt March was widely covered by the European and American press
- Who among the following Indian film personalities received Oscar Award?
A. Subhas Ghai
B. Ramananda Sagar
C. Amitabh Bachchan
D. Bhanu Athaiya
- Bagarumba is a folk dance performed by
A. Garos
B. Bodos
C. Mishings
D. Rabhas
- Maidans are
A. elaborate burial tanks of Ahom nobility and kings
B. large fields
C. temples
D. enclosure for sporting activities
- The Assam Gas Cracker Project at Tengakhat does not have the proposal to produce
A. oxo-alcohols
B. Portland cement and hollow bricks
C. ethylene and propylene
D. polyethylene
- Ibn Batuta, the celebrated traveller, visited Assam in the
A. thirteenth century
B. fourteenth century
C. fifteenth century
D. tenth century
- Gang Ghar was constructed during the reign of
A. Rudra Singha
B. Rajeswar Singha
C. Pramatta Singha
D. Siva Singha
- The Balkan Plan for fragmentation of India was mooted by
A. W. Churchill
B. M.A. Jinnah
C. Lord Mountbatten
D. V.P. Menon
- Which government remained in power in India for the shorted period?
A. Charan Singha Governmen
B. Chandrashekhar Government
C. Gujral Government
D. Vajpayee Government in 1996
- When was Assam Provincial Congress formed?
A. 1920
B. 1921
C. 1922
D. 1923
- Gandhiji visited Assam for the first time in connection with the National Freedom Movement in the year
A. 1920
B. 1921
C. 1935
D. 1926
- In the series 65, 76, 78, 95, 91, 114, 104, 133, terms are the two missing
A. 152, 117
B. 117. 152
C. 116. 150
D. 150. 116
- A friend of mine comes to me on every Sunday. For the first time, he came at 12:30, on the next occasion at 1:20. then at 2:30. and next at 4:00. Afterwards he will come to me at
A. 5:20
B. 6:20
C. 5:30
D. 5:50
- Find out the odd combination out of the following:
A. Japan. Singapore. Australia. England
B. Bhutan. Tibet, Bangladesh. Afghanistan
C. Mumbai, Kochi, Goa, Chennai
D. Guwahati, Ranchi. Patna, Chandigarh
- The author of Asomiya Sahityar Buranji is
A. Nathan Brown
B. Jatindranath Duwara
C. Devendranath Bezbarua
D. Gunabhiram Barua
- The Assam region was separated from the Bengal Presidency in
A. 1874
B. 1889
C. 1861
D. 1826
- Two of the given three circles have 5 numbers one inside and four outside. The four outer numbers give the inner number according to some rule. Find the missing number from given alternatives:
A. 49
B. 51
C. 59
D. 21
- If the first day of a non-leap year falls on Friday. what would be the last day of the year?
A. Saturday
B. Monday
C. Friday
D. Tuesday
- The illustration work of the medieval Assamese text Hasthividyarnava was done by
A. Suryakhari Daibaigya
B. Sukumar Borkaith
C. Dibar and Dosai
D. Rama Saraswati
- Gohain Kamal Ali from Koch Behar to Narayanpur was constructed during the reign of
A. Nara Narayan
B. Parikshit Narayan
C. Viswa Singha
D. Raghu Dev
- The first Ahom Monarch to assume the Hindu title Swarganarayan’ was
A. Siva Singha
B. Pratap Singha
C. Jaydhwaj Singha
D. Suhungmung
- The British-made aerodrome at Barnagar. Sarbhog was set ablaze under the leadership of Brajanath Sarma in
A. August 1942
B. August 1842
C. September 1942
D. August 1941
- The title of the overall administrative head of Lower Assam region during the Ahom Rule was
A. Barkhukan
B. Rajkhowa
C. Borpatragohain
D. Khongea Barua
- The first rebellion against the British rule in Assam in 1828 was led by
A. Piyali Phukan
B. Maniram Dewan
C. Gomdhar Konwar
D. Piyali Barua
- Which district was separated from Assam and given to Pakistan in 1947?
A. Chittagong
B. Khulna
C. Sylhet
D. Sholashahar
- Four persons P. Q. R and S are standing in a row as per their size. Among them. P is taller than Q and S is taller than P but S is smaller than R. Starting from the tallest one, what is the order in the row?
100. Who is the author of the book. India Against Itself?
A. Dr. Hiren Gohain
B. Dr. Mamoni Roysom Goswami
C. Homen Borgohain
D. Dr. Sanjib Barua