Time Allowed: 2 Hours Full Marks: 100
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The capital of Bangladesh is
(A) Chennai
(B) London
(C) Dhaka
(D) Dhubri
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N.B.: There will be negative marking @ 0-25 per 1 (one) mark against each wrong answer.
- Which of the following allows simultaneous write and read operation in a computer?
- What is the term for the data communication system within a building or campus?
- MS-Word is an example of
(A) an operating system
(B) a processing device
(C) an application software
(D) an output device
- A/An is a central server on a computer network that enables. connected clients to access the server’s storage capacities.
(A) web server
(B) application server
(C) print server
(D) file server
- In hexadecimal system, 10 is represented by
(A) E
(B) F
(C) G
(D) None of the above
- Demand for commodity is more due to price fall is a situation of
(A) increase in demand
(B) contraction of demand
(C) decrease in demand
(D) extension of demand
- Which one of the following is not a factor of production?
(A) Land
(B) Labour
(C) Motivation
(D) Capital
- Out of the following, which is not a measure of sustainable water management?
(A) Preventing leakage from dam and canals
(B) Reducing the rate of surface runoff water
(C) Preventing loss in the municipal waste
(D) Building several small reservoirs instead of few mega projects
- Which element is building block of both animal and plant tissues?
(A) Sulphur
(B) Carbon
(C) Nitrogen
(D) None of the above
- The study of interaction between living and non-living organisms and environment is
(A) ecology
(B) ecosystem
(C) phytosociology
(D) phytogeography
- The ultraviolet radiation in the stratosphere is absorbed by
(A) carbon dioxide
(B) sulphur dioxide
(C) oxygen
(D) ozone
- Noise pollution causes
(A) paralysis
(B) blurred vision
(C) anxiety and hypertension
(D) failure of breathing
- The primary greenhouse gas is
(A) water vapour
(B) N₂O
(C) CH4
(D) CO2
- Which of the following is a semi- conductor material?
(A) Gold
(B) Iron
(C) Copper
(D) Silicon
- The principle of operation of a transformer is based on
(A) Ampere’s law
(B) Faraday’s law of electro- magnetic induction
(C) conservation of momentum
(D) Coulomb’s law
- The metacentric height is the distance between the
(A) centre of gravity of the floating body and centre of buoyancy
(B) centre of gravity of the floating body and the metacentre
(C) metacentre and centre buoyancy of
(D) centre of gravity of the floating body and the centre of pressure
- An ideal flow of any fluid must fulfill which of the following?
(A) Pascal’s law
(B) Newton’s law of viscosity
(C) Bernoulli’s theorem
(D) Continuity equation.
- Hydraulic ram is a device used
(A) to accelerate the water flow
(B) to lift water without electric motor
(C) for lifting heavy load
(D) to beat water and lift it
- 1 bar is equal to
(A) 105 N/m²
(B) 0-1 MN/m²
(C) 100 kN/m²
(D) All of the above
- Power required to drive centrifugal pump is proportional to its impeller. the directly of its
(A) diameter
(B) square of diameter
(C) cube of diameter
(D) fourth power of diameter
- A channel is said to be most economical cross-section if
(A) it gives maximum discharge for a given cross-sectional area and bed slope
(B) it has maximum wetted perimeter
(C) it involves lesser excavation for the designed channel
(D) All of the above
- In machining, the zone where maximum heat is generated due to plastic deformation is called
(A) shear zone
(B) friction zone
(C) work-tool contact zone
(D) None of the above
- In Taylor’s tool life equation VTC, V and T respectively represents
(A) cutting speed and temperature
(B) cutting speed and tool life
(C) volume and temperature
(D) volume and tool life
- Which of the following tools is manufactured by powder metallurgy?
(A) Low carbon steel
(B) High carbon steel
(C) High speed steel
(D) Carbide tools
- How many atoms are there in unit cell of a b.c.c. space lattice?
(A) 6
(B) 9
(C) 14
(D) 17
- The steel used for motor car crank- shafts is
(A) nickel steel
(B) chrome steel
(C) nickel-chrome steel
(D) silicon steel
- The trade name of non-ferrous cast alloy composed of cobalt, chromium and tungsten is called
(A) ceramic
(B) stellite
(C) diamond
(D) cemented carbide
- The first law of thermodynamics furnishes the relationship between
(A) various thermodynamic processes
(B) various properties of steam
(C) heat, work and the properties of steam
(D) heat and work
- Enthalpy is calculated as the
(A) sum of internal energy and product of pressure and volume of the system
(B) sum of internal energy and product of pressure and density of the system
(C) difference between internal energy and product of pressure and density
(D) difference between internal energy and product of pressure and volume of the system
- The relation between C_{P} and c_{v} (with usual notation) is
(A) C_{P} – C_{V} = R
(B) C_{P}/C_{V} = gamma
(C) C_{P} – C_{V} = R/J
(D) All of the above
- The isothermal process of a system follows which law?
(A) Charle’s law
(B) Boyle’s law
(C) Gay-Lussac law
(D) All of the above
- If heat Q flows reversibly from the system to the surroundings at T_{0}’ what will be the effect on entropy
(A) Entropy of the system is reduced by Q/T_{0}
(B) System has lost entropy to the surroundings.
(C) Entropy increases to the surroundings is Q/T_{0}
(D) All of the above
- A self-locking simple machine has
(A) efficiency 100%
(B) efficiency 50%
(C) efficiency > 50%
(D) efficiency 50%
- When a body of mass m attains a velocity v from rest in time t, then the kinetic energy of translation is
(A) m * v ^ 2
(B) 0 * 5m * v ^ 2
(C) 0 * 67m * v ^ 2
(D) All of the above
- If three coplanar like parallel forces acting on a beam having the magnitude 2 N, 1 kgf, 4 N, the resultant of these forces shall be (g = 10m / (s ^ 2))
(A) 7 N
(B) 6 N
(C) 16 N
(D) All of the above.
- The angle of banking on a circular path of a road is provided so that the resultant of the centrifugal force and weight of car fall
(A) at an angle more than 90″
(B) at an angle less than 90°
(C) at an angle 90°
(D). None of the above
- In a gas turbine cycle with regeneration.
(A) pressure ratio increases
(B) work output decreases
(C) thermal efficiency increases
(D) heat input increases
- In a diesel engine, heat addition takes place
(A) at constant pressure
(B) at constant volume
(C) isothermally
(D) adiabatically
- Which of the following events would reduce the volumetric efficiency of a vertical compression (Cl) engine?
(A) Exhaust valve closing after TDC
(B) Inlet valve closing after BDC
(C) Inlet valve closing before BDC
(D) Inlet valve opening before TDC
- In a two-stroke petrol engine suction stroke volume found to be 20 m³ and clearance volume is 4 m³. The compression ratio will be
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 1-2
(D) None of the above
- The COP of a domestic refrigerator
(A) is less than 1
(B) is equal to 1
(C) is more than 1
(D) depends upon the weather condition
- The vapour compression refrigerator employs which of the following cycles?
(A) Reversed Rankine
(B) Carnot
(C) Reversed Carnot
(D) Rankine
- The process of augmenting the engine power by raising the pressure of charge fed into the engine cylinder is called
(A) scavenging
(B) supercharging
(C) pumping
(D) doping
- In ammonia water vapour absorption refrigeration system
(A) ammonia is absorbent and water is refrigerant
(B) ammonia is refrigerant and water is absorbent
(C) both ammonia and water are refrigerant
(D) both ammonia and water are absorbent
- Heat treatment operation involving heating of steel above upper critical temperature and cooling it in air is known as
(A) normalising
(B) tempering
(C) annealing
(D) stress relieving
- Mild steel belongs to which of the following categories?
(A) High carbon steel
(B) Medium carbon steel
(C) Low carbon steel
(D) Alloy steel
- Solder is an alloy consisting of
(A) lead and tin
(B) tin and copper
(C) lead and copper
(D) lead and zinc
- Steel is primarily designated according to
(A) alloying elements
(B) carbon content
(C) iron content
(D) tensile strength
- The cutting tool on a milling machine is mounted on
(A) arbor
(B) spindle
(C) column
(D) knee
- Which of the following screw threads is adopted for power transmission in either direction?
(A) ACME thread
(B) Square thread
(C) Buttress thread
(D) Multiple thread
- An Allen bolt
(A) is self-locking bolt
(B) is provided with countersunk head
(C) has a hexagonal depression in its head
(D) has both ends threaded
- Which key is provided in pairs at right angles and each key with- stands torsion in one-direction only?
(A) Sunk key
(B) Flat saddle key
(C) Tangent key
(D) Hollow saddle key
- Identify the bearing in which one end of the shaft rests within the bearing.
(A) Footstep or pivot bearing
(B) Collar bearing
(C) Bush bearing
(D) Journal bearing
- In third angle orthographic projection, the front view lies
(A) below reference axis
(B) above ground level
(C) between reference axis and ground level
(D) All of the above
- In a shaper
(A) tool is stationary and work reciprocates
(B) tool moves over the stationary work
(C) tool moves over the reciprocating work
(D) work is stationary and tool reciprocates
- In planer machine, the work that is supported on the table ___against the stationary cutting tool.
(A) oscillates
(B) vibrates
(C) reciprocates
(D) Both (A) and (C)
- Which of the following methods is usually used to weld gray cast iron?
(A) TIG welding
(B) MIG welding
(C) Gas welding
(D) Arc welding
- Flank wear occurs mainly on
(A) cutting edge
(B) nose part and top face
(C) face of the cutting tool at a short distance from the cutting edge
(D) nose part, front relief face and side relief face of the cutting tool
- Which of the following aspects pertains to climb milling during machining operation?
(A) Gradual increase in chip thickness
(B) Enable the cutter to dig in and start the cut
(C) Reduce consumption specific power
(D) Better surface finish
- Removal of metal in a drilling operation is by
(A) shearing
(B) compression
(C) extrusion
(D) shearing and extrusion
- Poisson’s ratio is defined as the ratio of
(A) lateral stress and longitudinal stress
(B) longitudinal stress and longitudinal strain
(C) longitudinal stress and lateral stress
(D) lateral stress and lateral strain.
- In the Euler’s formula for buckling ΕΙ load Pgn, the value of n is 2 least in case of column with condition
(A) both ends are fixed
(B) one end is fixed and other end is free
(C) one end is fixed and other end is hinged
(D) both ends are hinged
- A column whose slenderness ratio is less than 80 is
(A) long column
(B) medium column
(C) short column
(D) weak column
- The maximum strain energy that can be stored in a body is known as
(A) impact energy
(B) resilience
(C) proof resilience
(D) modulus of resilience
- The property of a fluid which enables it to resist tensile stress is known as
(A) compressibility
(B) surface tension
(C) cohesion
(D) adhesion
- The function of a Governor is to
(A) store energy and give up whenever required
(B) adjust variation of speed by varying the input to the engine
(C) decrease variation of speed
(D) increase variation of speed
- Coriolis component of acceleration exists whenever a point moves along a path that has
(A) linear motion
(B) tangential acceleration
(C) rotational motion
(D) centripetal acceleration
- Inversion of a kinematic chain
(A) modifies relative motion of one link relative to another
(B) completely changes the motion of links relative to each other
(C) keeps relative motion of the link unchanged with respect to one another
(D) has no effect on absolute motion of links
- The type of pair formed by two elements which are so connected that one is constrained to turn or revolve about a fixed axis of another element is known as
(A) turning pair
(B) rolling pair
(C) sliding pair
(D) spherical pair
- In the impulse turbine, the steam expands
(A) in the nozzle
(B) in the blades
(C) partly in nozzle and partly in blades
(D) neither in nozzle nor in blades
- Heat is transferred by all three modes viz., conduction, convection and radiation in
(A) electric heater
(B) boiler
(C) steam condenser
(D) melting of ice
- The economizer is used in boilers to
(A) use more fuel
(B) increase flue gas temperature
(C) heat feed water by bleeding steam
(D) increase thermal efficiency of boiler
- Which is the basic raw material of the nuclear plant?
(A) Uranium
(B) Thorium
(C) Radium
(D) Plutonium
- Honing operation is used to
(A) harden a surface
(B) finish holes
(C) provide a very close fit between two contact surfaces
(D) remove the grinding and tools makes left by previous operation
- Which of the following wage incentive plans guarantees minimum wage to a worker and bonus paid for the fixed percentage of time saved?
(A) Halsey plan
(B) Gantt plan
(C) Rowan plan
(D) Emerson’s efficiency plan
- Which of the following charts gives simultaneous information about progress of work and machine?
(A) Process chart
(B) Machine load chart
(C) Man-machine chart
(D) Gantt chart
- PERT requires
(A) single time estimate
(B) double time estimate
(C) triple time estimate
(D) None of the above
- In manufacturing management, the term ‘despatching’ is used to describe
(A) dispatch of sales order
(B) dispatch of factory mail
(C) dispatch of finished product of the user
(D) dispatch of work orders through shop floor
- Work study is concerned with
(A) improving present method and finding standard time
(B) motivation of workers
(C) improving production capability
(D) improving production, planning and control
- The Rateau turbine belongs to the category of
(A) pressure compounded turbine
(B) reaction turbine
(C) velocity compounded turbine
(D) radial flow turbine
- Blades of gas turbine are generally made of
(A) aluminium
(B) cast iron
(C) cast steel
(D) nickel-cobalt alloy
- The process of producing energy by utilizing heat trapped inside earth surface is called
(A) hydrothermal energy
(B) geothermal energy
(C) solar energy
(D) wave energy
- When solar radiation falls on the earth’s surface, the temperature of
(A) land mass rises faster than water mass
(B) land mass rises slower than water mass
(C) land mass and water mass rise uniformly
(D) only land mass increases and water mass remains at fixed temperature
- Bio-diesel is
(A) obtained from fermentation of sugar
(B) obtained from pyrolysis process
(C) exudates of plants
(D) an upgraded vegetable oil
- The function of differential gear in an automobile is to
(A) facilitate reverse operation of the vehicle
(B) reduce tyre wear at high speed
(C) distribute equal torque between wheels
(D) take care of difference of speed of real wheels
- The object of suspension system is to
(A) prevent the road shock from being transmitted to the vehicle components
(B) safeguard the occupants from the road shocks
(C) preserve the stability of the vehicle in pitching or rolling while in motion
(D) All of the above
- In IC engine, the power developed inside the cylinder is known as
(A) brake horsepower
(B) frictional horsepower
(C) indicated horsepower
(D) pumping power
- Human Resource Management (HRM) aims to maximise employees’ as well as organization’s
(A) performativity
(B) economy
(C) efficiency
(D) effectiveness
- Gas turbine uses which of the following types of air compressor?
(A) Centrifügal type
(B) Axial flow type
(C) Reciprocating type
(D) Rotary type
- What is the least micrometer? count of
(A) 0-1 mm
(B) 0-02 mm
(C) 0-01 mm
(D) 0-2 mm
- The degree of closeness of the measured value of certain quantity with its true value is known as
(A) accuracy
(B) precision
(C) standard
(D) sensitivity
- In the annuity method of depreciation, interest is charged on
(A) depreciation annuity
(B) book value of the asset
(C) salvage value of the asset
(D) sum of depreciation annuity and book value of the asset
- ‘Go’ and ‘No Go’ gauge are types of
(A) plug gauge
(B) step gauge
(C) ring gauge
(D) limit gauge
- Expressing a dimension as 2520-05 mm is done in the case of
(A) unilateral dimension
(B) bilateral dimension
(C) limiting dimension
(D) All of the above
- CAD/CAM is the relationship between
(A) design and manufacturing
(B) science and engineering
(C) manufacturing and marketing
(D) design and marketing
- The common electrolyte in electrochemical machining process is
(A) water
(B) transformer oil
(C) kerosene
(D) brine solution
- Which of the following methods uses the combination of electrical and chemical energy for machining?
(A) Ultrasonic machining
(B) Abrasive Jet machining
(C) Electro-chemical machining
(D) Electron beam machining
- Which of the following processes can be used to produce very small diameter holes?
(A) Electric discharge machining
(B) Electro-chemical machining
(C) Water jet machining
(D) Electron beam machining
- In a petrol engine, the tendency of detonation increases with
(A) supercharging
(B) retarded spark timing
(C) running the engine at high speed
(D) increasing the cooling rate
- Aircraft body has
(A) precast structure
(B) welded structure
(C) riveted structure
(D) bolted structure
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