APSC Junior Scientific Officer for Mobile Forensic Laboratories All Study Material PDF Download

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Name of Post: Junior Scientific Officer for Mobile Forensic Laboratories under the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam


SYLLABUS For Junior Scientific Officer

(Master Degree Standard)


(Multiple Choice Objective Type)

Full Marks: 200 Marks Time: 2 Hrs


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1General BiologyCell and cellular organelles, The cell theory, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells (Plant cell and animal cell), Structure and function of cell and cellular organelles, Eukaryotic s_ub­ cellular components: Nucleus, chromosomes, plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, peroxisomes, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, chloroplast, cytoskeleton. Cell cycle and its control; Cell division-amitosis, mitosis and meiosis.
Amino acids – structure and functional group properties. Proteins and peptides – Composition of proteins – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary structure of protein. Definition, biological importance, classification and chemistry of Carbohydrates and Lipids. Enzymes: Classification and importance of various enzymes. Basics of Human anatomy and physiology. Basic concept of Taxonomy.
Basic concepts of Microscopy and use of Optics. Light microscopy, Bright and Dark
Field microscopy, Fluorescence microscopy, Phase Contrast microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, atomic force microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, Electron microscopy (TEM and SEM), and Cryo Electron Microscopy.
Antigen – Epitope, essential factors for antigenicity, haptenes and adjuvant. Immunoglobulin – structure, classes of immunoglobulin, antigen – antibody reactions and their techniques in serological analysis. Overview of cells and organs of immune system and basic immunology.Applications of various polymorphic enzymes and proteins in criminal investigation.
Antigen  Processing and  presentation.  Production  of Monoclonal  and  polyclonal
antibodies, hybridoma technology. Autoimmunity and hypersensitivity. HLA typing and its forensic importance. Vaccines, Lectins and their forensic significance.
Blood and its composition. Hemoglobin and its variants. Theories and biochemical tests for the identification of blood. Blood Typing/Grouping – ‘ABO’ system and its significance in forensic investigation. Other blood group antigens – ‘Rh sub types’, MN, I, P, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, Lewis, Lutheran and Bombay blood group.
2Fundamentals of various branches of Forensic BiologyHistory and development of Forensic Science, Brief History of Forensic Biology: Developments and Scope in the field of Forensic Biology, Branches of Forensic Biology Different types of biological Evidences and their significance in Forensic Science
Collection, Preservation, Packing, Forwarding and Documentation of Biological Evidences.
Forensic Examination of semen and other body fluids – vomit, feces, urine, saliva and vaginal secretions. structure and morphology of human and animal hair.
Introduction to various types of woods and its anatomy, Identification of endangered
wood & its significances. Varieties of timber, seeds and leaves – their identification and matching. Study and identification of pollen grains, starch grains. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of plants yielding drugs of abuse like opium, Cannabis, Coca plant, Psilocybe mushrooms, Tobacco, etc. Botanical analysis of plants with concern to Narcotics and psychotropic drugs analysis.
Introduction to microbiology, cell wall composition of Gram positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Sterilization techniques – Physical agents: Dry heat, wet heat and cold sterilization, filtration, radiation; Chemical agents (Disinfectants, antibiotics, alcohols) and their mechanisms. Different methods for isolation of microorganisms from forensic samples like vomit, stool, stomach wash and residual food.
Introduction to Forensic Limnology, Role of algae & fungi in Forensic Science, Introduction to Diatoms, Identification of diatoms from biological matrices from soil & water, Diatoms testing, Legal aspects of Diatoms.
Introduction and History of Forensic Entomology, Anatomy and Taxonomy of Forensically relevant Insects (Diptera), Insect Succession (in buried bodies, burnt bodies, decomposed bodies above the soil and in water) & Factors that affect Insect Succession, Estimating Postmortem Interval/ Time since infestation from invertebrate development rates, Forensically important Aquatic Insects, Insects as weapons and Threats to National Security, Collection of entomological evidence during death investigations, Forensic Entomology and the Law.
3General BiotechnologyCell lines: Definition, development, maintenance and management, established cell lines and their characteristic features. Transgenic animals- Creating transgenic animals, Example of transgenic animals Dolly, Insects, Primates, mice.
Somaclonal and gameto clonal variation: applications and limitations. Transgenic Plants: Herbicide resistant, insect Resistant, drought/stress resistant, delayed ripening, Ti Plasmid and T- DNA transfer.
Gene therapy: potential approach to gene therapy. Southern blotting, Northern blotting, Western blotting, ISO-electric focusing. Overview of Stem cells and its applications. Bonding in Organic Compounds, Gravimetric Analysis, Volumetric Analysis, and Analysis of real Samples.
4Forensic DNA and WildlifeChemical structure of DNA and RNA. Overview of DNA replication, transcription and translation. Procedure for collection and preservation of biological sample for DNA analysis. Techniques of DNA isolation and its quantitation. DNA separation techniques. History of DNA fingerprinting and DNA polymorphism. Genes and DNA markers in forensic DNA analysis. Introduction to Polymerase Chain Reaction and its applications. Introduction to mitochondrial DNA and its forensic importance. Fundamentals of RFLP and PCR based DNA typing. STR, VNTR, and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and its applications in forensic investigation. STR genotyping, Result of STR marker analysis and its interpretation. LCN typing. Mitochondrial DNA analysis in Forensic investigation. X-STR and Y-STR analysis and its significance in establishing paternal­ maternal relationships. Nonhuman DNA analysis. Amplifying DNA: PCR and Cell based DNA Cloning.
Definition and advances in wildlife forensics, Threats to the natural resources and wild species inhabiting globally, Importance of Wildlife Conservation, Classification of species as per IUCN Red Data Book, Introduction to CITES and CBD, Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 of India and other related acts, Different Methods of Poaching, Conventional methods of species identification, Morphological identification and examination of wildlife parts and products, Application of DNA technologies used in Wildlife Forensics.
5Recent Developments, Regulatory affairs, and IPRMethods of DNA sequencing. Prediction of physical characteristics, such as eye, hair, and skin color based solely on DNA. Molecular autopsy. Genetic genealogy in the genomic era. Evolving technologies in forensic DNA analysis. Forensic tissue identification with nucleic acids: Classical, RNA based and DNA methylation-based approaches. CRISPR-Cas9 technology and its potential forensic applications, Microbiome analysis for identifying individuals and linking them to environments, Non­ human DNA analysis for wildlife crime investigations.
Basic principles of quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA). Guidelines for QA and QC: raw materials, products and validation. Introduction to pharmacopoeia. Intellectual Property Rights. Importance of protecting scientific discoveries. IPR policy of Government of India. Patent: Qualification (novel, commercial and non-obvious), jurisdiction of patent laws, Indian and international patent laws, filing procedures, Various accreditation agencies of lndia: NABL, NABH etc.


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(Master Degree Standard)


(Multiple Choice Objective Type)

Full Marks: 200 Marks Time: 2 Hrs


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1General PhysicsLaws of motion: Motion and its physical interpretation, Newton’s law of motion, Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications. Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction. Circular motion: Centripetal and Centrifugal force, Projectile motions and its application. Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity: Simple Harmonic Oscillations. Differential equation of SHM and its solution. Kinetic energy, potential energy, total energy and their time-average values. Elastic and inelastic collisions between particles. Elasticity, stress, strain, and Relation between the Elastic constants.
First Law of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Variables, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics & Concept of Temperature, Concept of Work & Heat, State Functions, First Law of Thermodynamics and its differential form, Internal Energy, various thermodynamic processes, Relation between CP and CV. Work Widow’s Done during Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Reversible and Irreversible process with examples. Conversion of Work into Heat and Heat into Work. Heat Engines. Carnot engine & efficiency, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius Statements. Concept of entropy. Kinetic theory of gases and Theory of Radiation: Real and Ideal gas, Maxwell-Boltzmann Law of Distribution of velocities. Mean, RMS and Most Probable Speeds. Mean Free Path. Blackbody radiation, Spectral distribution, Concept of Energy Density, Derivation of Planck’s law, .Wien’s distribution law, Rayleigh-Jeans Law, Stefan Boltzmann Law and Wien’s displacement.
Wave: Wave motion, Wave equation, longitudinal and transverse waves, Plane Progressive (Travelling) Waves, Nature and properties of electromagnetic waves, Speed of sound wave in different media and their properties, Velocity of Transverse Vibrations of Stretched Strings, Newton’s hypothesis, Laplace correction in speed of sound.
Optics: Electromagnetic spectrum, Interference, Reflection, refraction polarization and diffraction of light. Young’s double slit experiment, Refractive index and total internal reflection of light. Microscopes and astronomical telescopes (reflecting and refracting) and their magnifying powers. Physical and Chromatic aberrations.
2Forensic Physics: Introduction and scope, tools and techniques, examination of vehicle in case of road traffic accident, skid marks evaluation. Physical Evidences: types and importance. Forensic Statistics: Types of data, measure of central tendency, dispersion of data, correlations and probability and proof.
Glass: Types of glass and their composition-soda-lime, boro-silicate, safety glass, laminated, light-sensitive, tampered/ toughened, wire glass, coloured glass. Matching and comparison. Forensic examinations of glass fractures-concentric and radial fractures. Colour, fluorescence, physical measurements, specific gravity examination
and elemental analysis of glass evidence.
Paint: Types of paint and their composition, macroscopic and microscopic analysis of paint pigments, pigment distribution, micro-chemical analysis- solubility test, pyrolysis gas chromatography, TLC, colorimetric analysis, IR spectroscopy and Xray diffraction, elemental analysis, mass spectrometer, interpretation of paint evidence.
Fibre: Types of fibres, forensic aspects of fibre examination- fluorescence, optical properties, refractive index, birefringence, dye analysis. Physical fit and chemical testing. IR-micro spectroscopy. Miscellaneous Evidences: wire, broken angles, seals, counterfeit coins, ropes/ strings, synthetic fibers etc theirintroduction & forensic examination. Tool Marks: theory, types of tool marks, and their forensic examination, Restoration methods of obliterated marks.
3Forensic BallisticsIntroduction to Forensic Ballistics, Basics concept of forensic ballistic, its definition, History and development of Forensic Ballistics, Introduction to Internal, External and Terminal ballistics, Role of Forensic Ballistics Expert.
Introduction to firearms: Parts of firearms and its function, Firearm safety, Assembly and disassembly of firearm, Firearms characteristics & classification of firearms on different basis, History and background of firearms. Functional assembly & Operating principle of firearms, Bore and caliber, choke, rifling class characteristics of rifled bore, purpose of rifling, types of rifling, methods to produce rifling, Characteristics & Working mechanism of Standard: Rifled firearms, Small arms, Shot guns & Non- standard: Improvised, Country made, Imitative firearms, identification of origin. Identification of firearms, ammunition and their components: Principles, Processing of Firearm Exhibits involved, Class characteristics & Individual characteristics (Identifiable marks) produced during firing process on cartridge cases & projectiles and their linkage with firearms.
Analysis of GSR -Composition of GSR, Location & Collection, Mechanism of formation, Chemical & Instrumental techniques involved in analysis, Shooter Identification Technique. Determination of range of fire & its related phenomena, Techniques involved in ballistic studies, Stereo and comparison microscopy, BDAS, IBIS.
4Forensic Structural AnalysisBuilding Materials: Cement composition, types, Forensic Analysis- bromoform test, fineness test, ignition-loss test, Identification of adulterated cement. Mortar and concrete analysis. Soil: Types and composition of soil, sample preparation, removal of contaminants, colour, turbidity test, pH measurements, microscopic examination, density gradient analysis, ignition-loss test, elemental analysis.N/A
5Audio-Video ForensicsAudio and Video Analysis and Tape Authentication: theory of voice production, theory of voice identification, acoustics of speech, the sound spectrograph, voice comparison – standards and methods of voice comparison, voice spectrograph and its significance. Speech recognition and speaker identification.N/A


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(Master Degree Standard)


(Multiple Choice Objective Type)

Full Marks: 200 Marks Time: 2 Hrs


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1General ChemistryAtomic structure and periodic properties of elements. Chemical bonding, IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds and coordination complexes. Isomerismand stereochemistry including coordination compounds, conformational analysis, andchirality. Reactive intermediates and organic reaction mechanism, concept ofaromaticity. Qualitative and quantitative analysis, mole concept, normality, molarity, molality, mole fraction and their calculations. VSEPR Theory, hybridization and shapesof molecules. Transition and inner transition metals, coordination chemistry, concept of acids and bases, pH and its measurements.
Chemistry of natural products, such as steroids, alkaloids, terpenoids, peptides andcarbohydrates. Organic name reactions: Aldol reaction, Diel’s-Alder reaction, Benzoin condensation, Principle and applications of photochemistry, Jablonski diagram, quantum yield, photosensitization reactions. Norrish-I & Norrish-II, Pericyclic and Free radical reactions.Common reagents used in organic synthesis.
Chemical Kinetics, Order andmolecularity of reaction. Pseudo order, zero order, first and second order reactions. Half life period of a reaction. Determination of order of reaction. Effect of temperatureon reaction rate. Activation energy. Catalysis. Theories of catalysis (intermediatecompound and adsorption theories). Mechanism and kinetics of catalysis.Characterization of enzyme catalyzed reactions.
2Instrumentation/ Analytical ChemistryChromatographic techniques. General principles of paper chromatography,column chromatography, TLC, gas chromatography, HPTLC & HPLC foridentification and quantification. Basic concept, principles and application ofspectroscopic techniques viz. UV-Visible, IR, FTIR, Raman and NMR and Massspectrometry.
X-ray diffraction, fluorescence analysis, TGA, DTA, GC-MS. Theory andprinciples of electrophoresis and titrimetric analysis.Analysis of dyes and pigments, fertilizer, cement and glass.
3Fundamentals of Forensic ChemistryAnalysis of alcohol: Country made, illicit liquor & medicinal preparations. Analysis of various denaturants of alcohol, detection & determination of ethanol, methanol, aldehyde, ester by colour test & instrumental techniques, Analysis of metals and alloys, petroleum products and their adulteration. Method of identification of inflammable materials, Analysis of trap cases, mechanism of colour reaction, detection of phenolphthalein. Comparison of dyes in fibres and different inks by TLC & UV. Vis spectrophotometer.
Classification of explosive;- primary, secondary or high explosive, detonators, pyro- techniques, propellant IEDs and their firing mechanism.
Methods for extraction of explosive from post blast materials/debris, qualitative analysis of explosive and explosion residues by colour test, TLC/HPTLC, HPLC, IR, &LC-MS techniques.
4Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic SubstancesHistory and Introduction of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Controlled Substances, Classification of Narcotic Drugs, Process of Narcotic drug synthesis, Precursor Chemicals, Clandestine drug laboratories, Mandatory Provisions of NDPS Drugs, Commonly abused drugs. Analysis of drugs of abuse by various chemical and instrumental methods. Narcotic & psychotropic substance; including depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, barbiturates benzodiazepines, designer drugs & club drugs etc; their sampling andanalysis using colour test, TLC & further confirmation by HPTLC, UV-Vis., GC-MS,HPLC, LC-MS and I.R.Detection of common adulterants & determination of percentage purity in seized sample.N/A
5Forensic ToxicologyForensic Toxicological examination and its significance, Branches of toxicology, Introduction and scope, Classification of poisons: based on their origin, mode of action, chemical nature, sign and symptoms of poisons. concept of dose response-relationship, therapeuticindex, Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamics, drug and drug classification. Drug poison and medicines. Drug design based onchemical modification. Laws related to poison. Poison Act1919 and Drugs Act 1940 & 1955. Different methods of extraction for volatile poisonof organie & Inorganic nature from biological matrix.
Identification and estimation of poison and drugs using colour test, thin layerchromatography, GC, GCMS, UV-visible, I.R. and LC-MS techniques. Analysis of gaseous and volatile poisons, toxic metals, anions, organo-chloro, orgno-phosphorous, carbamate, pyrethroids, aluminum and Zine phosphide.
Methods of analysis of common acidic, neutral and alkaline drugs & poisons.
Various path of metabolism of common poison, their distribution and method ofextraction, isolation and identification of metabolites. Identifications of food poison, plant poison and animal poison.


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